• 英文姓氏的起源

    14-08-28 Describing a personal characteristic 描述个人特点 有些本身为形容词的姓氏一般都是来源于描述某个人的外号。这些姓氏有的可能描述一个人的身材(Short,Long,Little),肤色(Black、White、Green、或Red,Red后来演变成Reed),或者其他特征(比如Stern严厉,Stro...

  • I'll Change My Name 我会改一个名字

    14-07-29 At the age of 16, Edely decided to leave home and join a theater company. His father was appalled(惊骇的) , A son of mine on the stage? It's a disgrace! he wailed. What if the neighbors find out? I'll change my name, the comic-to-be volunteered. C...

  • gift parasite 礼物寄生虫

    14-02-11 Gift parasite is a person who adds their name to a gift tag in order to claim partial credit for giving the gift. 礼物寄生虫指的是把名字加在礼物标签上写的送礼人名单里,以便能沾到一点功劳。 Example: I'm totally broke so I had to be a gift parasite an...

  • 《地心历险记2》一

    13-07-26 片段对白 Hank: Hey. I was looking to talk to you. You know, very concerned adult to somewhat troubled youth. Sean: Which one am I in that equation? Hank: Hey, buddy. What's all this? Sean: Nothing. Hank: That's a cryptogram , right? Looks like Morse...

  • 调查:名字影响职场发展

    13-07-14 最近发布的一项调查报告显示,八分之一的年轻人担心他们的名字会成为找工作或者继续攀登职业高峰的绊脚石。调查发现,拥有约翰、雷切尔等传统名字的人在职场中比拥有如韦恩、凯蕾等现代名字的人更有优势。 If you've done your research and laid out your smartest cl...

  • 纽约将启用新域名.nyc

    13-07-03 New York City is to get its own domain name, .nyc. 纽约城将获得其独特域名.nyc。 New York is the first US city to get its own geographic domain name The city's petition(诉求) for the creation of a .nyc domain name has been approved by net address r...

  • Cool Carl 酷抠族

    13-06-15 酷抠族,是悄然崛起于当今族语境下的一群时尚达人。人如其名,他们身上既有酷(cool)的超逸,也有凡人(carl)的简约。是当下一种时尚的抠门,这是一种褒义下的抠,因为酷抠族崇尚的是节约光荣,浪费可耻。酷抠族未必贫穷,也不是守财奴,他们具有较高的学历,不菲的...

  • 古人“名、字、号”的译法

    13-06-03 古人多有名,字,号。比如唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人李白,字太白,号青莲居士。在古代,名是人名;字,是根据人名中的字义另取的名字;号,原指名和字以外另起的别号,后来也泛指名以外另起的字。按我国古代习惯,字是男子的正式称呼,用于社会交往,而名多用于自称,或...

  • We Didn't Start the Fire

    13-04-22 We Didn't Start the Fire Will Schutt Two doors down lived a descendant of de Sade. He rode a vintage(古老的,最佳的) Trek in a gingham(条纹棉布) shirt. A blue Hamsa strung around his neck waved when he waved. The name meant nearly nil to us, clu...

  • The smart little boy 聪明的小男孩

    13-01-30 Stranger: What's your name, little boy? Little boy: I don't konw. Stranger: How does your mother call you when the cakes are done? Boy: She doesn't call me, I am there already. 陌生人:小男孩,你的的名字叫什么? 小男孩:我不知道。 陌生人:你妈妈在做...