• 创意翻译赏析2

    11-08-05 1. The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room. 小腿上的骨头在黑房间里找准家具位置的好装备。 2. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. 窃钩者诛,窃国者为诸侯。 3. The sole purpose of a child's...

  • 《大侦探福尔摩斯》二

    11-08-01 精彩对白 Police: This way, Mr. Holmes. Watson: Blackwood certainly seems to have got the crowd into something of a fear frenzy. Holmes: Which I'm certain will disperse once his feet have stopped twitching . Care to come along? Watson: No, old cock ....

  • 阿拉伯酋长巨大“沙滩签名”太空可见

    11-07-25 Every child has written their names on the beach at some point. But whereas most people's 'sandwriting' is washed away, one super-rich Arab sheikh has ensured that his doodles will last a little longer. 每个孩子都曾在沙滩上留名。尽管绝大多数沙滩签名...

  • 贝克汉姆新生女儿照片首次曝光

    11-07-24 David and Victoria Beckham have posted pictures of themselves with baby Harper Seven on social networking sites. 日前,大卫贝克汉姆及妻子维多利亚在社交网站公布了他们与新生女儿哈珀赛文的合影。 Daddy's little girl: Victoria Beckham has posted the firs...

  • Girl's Name 女孩的名字

    11-07-21 When our daughter was born, we named her Myles, after my beloved late father, despite family warning that the name was too masculine(男性的) . Years later, when I felt she was old enough to understand, I explained to Myles, Your name is very speci...

  • Of War and Roses 玫瑰与战争

    11-05-25 He strode the length of the nursery walkway, inhaling the heady(兴奋的) scent. To an untrained eye, the rows of methodically labeled roses might look identical. But Monsieur Francis Meilland knew better. As a rose breeder, he had dedicated his lif...

  • 名字中的玄机

    11-05-15 What's in a name? Well a lot more than you would think if recent statistics are anything to go by. 名字中蕴藏着什么玄机呢?如果最近的研究数据值得参考的话,名字的意义会比你想象的大得多。 If your name is Deborah or Peter then chances are you're a CEO....

  • Thirteen States

    11-04-27 Johnny, name the fifty states, instructed the teacher. I can't, teacher Why, when I was your age I could name all the states, She scolded. Yeah, but then there were only thirteen, answered Johnny....

  • 麦兜名字的由来

    11-03-29 McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark(胎痣) on his right eye. He has a heart of gold, but he isn't very smart and ordinary in every way; nevertheless, he has many dreams. However, every time he tries, he fails; he is disappo...

  • What's your name?

    11-03-15 A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had never seen them before, so he began: My name is Stone, and I'm even harder than stone, so do what I tell you or there'll be trouble. Don't try any tricks with me, an...