• 玩电子游戏可使大脑适应复杂的工作

    10-09-25 Playing video games for hours on end(连续地) may prepare your child to become a laparoscopic(腹腔镜检查的) surgeon one day, a new study has shown. Reorganisation(重组) of the brain's cortical(皮质的,皮层的) network in young men with signifi...

  • 保护老虎需要付出的价码

    10-09-15 The cost of keeping tigers alive in the wild is about $80m (50m) per year, say conservationists - but only about $50m (30m) per year is being pledged. 自然资源保护主义者称,使老虎在野外生存需每年花费800万美元,但每年大约只有500万美元到位。 The Benga...

  • 苹果发布音乐社交网络Ping

    10-09-02 Apple has launched a social network as part of the latest version of its iTunes software. 苹果发布一个社交网络作为其最新iTunes软件的一部分。 Ping, as it is known, allows users to build networks of friends and professional musicians, in a similar way...

  • 印度加强网络监察力度

    10-09-01 India has toughened its scrutiny of telecoms firms with a directive demanding access to everything. 印度加强对国内电信公司的监察力度,要求其所有的网络必须畅通无阻。 India\s clampdown on telecom firms is likely to affect Google and Skype An Indian Ho...

  • cablevision 有线电视

    10-08-31 2月9日,工信部、国家广电总局相关负责人表示,在2010年至2012年电信网、广播电视网、互联网三网融合试点阶段,我国将积极推进各地分散运营的有线电视网络整合,研究提出组建国家级有线电视网络公司方案。 请看相关报道: China will strive to integrate its regional...

  • 交通运输词汇

    10-07-20 高速铁路 high-speed rail 动车 bullet train 公交专用车道 bus lane 长安街整修 face-lift 轻轨列车 light rail train 隧桥 tunnel-bridge 舟山连岛工程 Zhoushan Island-Land Project (机动车)单双号限行 odd-and-even license plate rule 低噪音地铁 low-noise su...

  • 改善网络防火墙建设

    10-04-18 A firewall is the safety barrier between a computer network and the outside world. Individuals, companies and large organizations alike rely on a firewall being robust(强健的,健康的) enough to fend off(挡开,避开) hackers attempting to break in...

  • 睡眠不足可加重青少年社交网的整体吸毒行为

    10-03-21 Recent studies have shown that behaviors such as happiness, obesity(肥大,肥胖) , smoking and altruism(利他主义) are contagious(蔓延的,感染性的) within adult social networks. In other words, your behavior not only influences your friends, but...

  • 中国计划建设亚欧高速铁路网

    10-03-13 据一位参与中国高铁项目的专家称,中国正在与17个国家协商关于建设亚欧高速铁路网络事宜,计划在十年内修建三条高铁线路贯穿南北,连通欧亚。届时,乘坐时速超过200英里的火车,从伦敦到北京只需要两天时间。 China is in negotiations to build a high-speed rail net...

  • 维珍传媒试验使用电线杆架设宽带

    10-03-12 Virgin Media has started trials to deliver fibre-optic high-speed broadband over telegraph poles. 维珍传媒已开始试验使用电线杆架设高速光纤宽带。 The trial will last for six months The firm believes it could be used to extend its reach to another one...