• She Ate All My Bait 她把所有的诱饵都吃了

    14-08-21 The young boy protested vigorously when his mother asked him to take his little sister along fishing. The last time she came, he objected, I didn't catch a single fish. I'll talk to her, his mother said, and I promise this time she won't make any no...

  • Clamor

    14-02-26 Clamor Nick Norwood The mill's non-stop noise, a whir and a clangor(叮当声) , follows him home, over the bridge and up the hill, while at his back it goes on wheezing, chuffing lint through manifold(多方面的) windows, into the village with the l...

  • 猫头鹰无声飞行的奥秘

    13-11-25 Many owl species have developed specialized plumage to effectively eliminate the aerodynamic(空气动力学的) noise from their wings -- allowing them to hunt and capture their prey in silence. A research group working to solve the mystery of exactly...

  • 助听设备或将面临重大升级

    13-11-19 Computer engineers and hearing scientists at The Ohio State University have made a potential breakthrough in solving a 50-year-old problem in hearing technology: how to help the hearing-impaired understand speech in the midst of background noise. In...

  • 西班牙钢琴家练琴被指扰民

    13-11-17 To most people, noise pollution is a jet engine roaring over their head. For one Spanish woman, it was a neighbor playing the piano more softly than a spoken conversation. 西班牙一名钢琴家练琴被指扰民,受害人自称因噪音污染患上多种疾...

  • 飞机噪音易引发中风、心血管疾病

    13-10-09 The risks of stroke, heart and circulatory disease are higher in areas with a lot of aircraft noise, researchers say. 研究人员称,在有大量飞机噪音的区域居住的人,患中风、心血管疾病的几率较高。 Their study of 3.6 million residents near Heathrow Airpo...

  • 船舶噪声影响螃蟹新陈代谢

    13-02-27 A new study published in Biology Letters found that ship noise affects crab metabolism(新陈代谢) , with largest crabs faring worst, and found little evidence that crabs acclimatise(适应,习惯) to noise over time. The team from the Universities o...

  • 短噪声影响人的精神状态

    12-10-19 Noise can be distracting, especially to a person trying to concentrate on a difficult task. Studying annoying noises helps architects(建筑师) design better building environments and policy makers choose effective noise regulations. To better under...

  • 莎拉波娃自称改不掉场上尖叫的习惯

    12-07-07 Maria Sharapova, the former Wimbledon champion dubbed the Queen of Screams, claimed yesterday that she was too old to stop grunting on court. 前温网女单冠军玛利亚莎拉波娃绰号是尖叫女王,她昨天表示自己年纪太大,已经改不掉场上尖叫的习惯。 After cement...

  • 人为噪音对植物有涟漪效应

    12-03-22 A growing body of research shows that birds and other animals change their behavior in response to humanmade noise, such as the din(喧嚣) of traffic or the hum(嗡嗡声) of machinery. But human clamor doesn't just affect animals. Because many anim...