• 《怪兽大学》第18章

    23-01-19 The librarian rushed toward Sulley in a rage. Her huge tentacles were just about to wrap around his body when a loud pop-pop-pop noise sounded behind her. She whipped around, searching for the creature who dared destroy the silence of her library. I...

  • 噪声也有“颜色”?褐色噪声真能帮你放松身心吗?

    22-11-25 Grey 灰色 Violet 紫色 Pink 粉红色 Blue 蓝色 There are various colours of noise which have different properties. 噪声分为不同的颜色,分别具有不同的特性。 This is brown noise, which many people say they find calming. 这是褐色噪声,许多人说这种噪声让他...

  • 《赛车总动员》第16章

    22-11-16 When they got back to town, Mater pulled up alongside Lightning. Hey, hey, Mater whispered, if anyone asks you, we were out smashin mailboxes, okay? The tow truck tore off. Just then, Lightning heard a noise. The ground was vibrating. And something...

  • 吵架必备神句-冯小刚篇

    22-08-02 Dont make so much noise. Im working. 别吵,我在干活。 Its unfair. 太不公平了。 What do you think you are doing?你知道你在做什么吗? Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! Are you bluffing me ? 你当我是吓大的? You eat with that mouth? 你就是用这张臭嘴吃饭的...

  • 造成邻里不和的种种因素

    22-02-22 要想与邻居和谐相处并不容易。住在他人的隔壁,很可能会因大大小小的事情而起争执,最常见的问题有宠物叫声、装修噪音、垃圾堆放、停车纠纷等。 Do you know the names of the people who live next door? Chances are you live next to someone, but do you actually...

  • 生气

    22-02-09 让我们来划分一下愤怒的级别,如果angry是2星,那fury/indignation/wrath则是愤怒的最高级,fly into a fury意即勃然大怒。 此外,make ones blood boil(火冒三丈)和get on ones nerves(使某人烦燥不安)都是angry的升级版。 在这个容易让人焦虑的时代(age of anxi...

  • 为什么一坐车就犯困?

    21-10-26 1.White noise 白噪音 Cars and other vehicles are a perfect environment that produces white noise. Its a consistent noise, like the hum of tires or the purring of the car. White noise masks distracting sounds, and is helpful for people who have troub...

  • 抚摸、拍打

    21-07-01 1. knock 英语释义:to repeatedly hit something, producing a noise knock通常指用拳头或其他器械猛敲或猛打,也可指用手轻敲某物。 She knocked on the window to attract his attention. 她敲敲窗想引起他的注意。 Theres someone knocking on/at the door. 有人在...