• bunged up 鼻子不通气,鼻塞

    21-04-12 形容词短语 bunged up 用于描述因感冒而引起的 鼻塞 症状,也就是平时说的 鼻子不通气。这是英国人在口头对话中常用的表达。 例句 My nose is so bunged up at the moment. I cant breathe easily. 我的鼻子现在特别不通气。我呼吸困难。 Does anyone have any cold me...

  • 墨西哥推出“防新冠”鼻罩

    21-04-01 近日,墨西哥推出了一款只遮住鼻子的新型鼻罩,研究人员称,这种鼻罩是为了降低人们在吃饭时感染新冠病毒的风险。然而世界卫生组织在佩戴口罩的建议中则表示,要预防感染新冠病毒,需要遮盖鼻子、嘴和下巴。 Researchers in Mexico have sniffed out a new COVID-19 ma...

  • 毛茸茸的不速之客

    21-03-25 It began as a mystery who was the nighttime intruder breaking into the Henderson family home? Fortunately, CCTV caught him in the act and they soon got the answer nose to nose. 起初,这是一个谜:谁是夜晚闯入亨德森家中的不速之客?好在视频监控系统把它...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 10

    21-01-24 MRS. STERLING. IT was an April day when Christie went to her new home. Warm rains had melted the last trace of snow, and every bank was full of pricking grass-blades, brave little pioneers and heralds of the Spring. The budding elm boughs swung in t...

  • stick your nose in where it's not wanted 打探不相干的事

    20-12-03 短语 stick your nose in where its not wanted 用 把鼻子伸到不该伸的地方 来形容某人四处探听,打问不相干的事情;或掺和、干预别人的事情。 你也可以用 stick your nose in someone elses business 来表达相同的意思。 例句 Randolph and Marguerite are extremely...

  • 英语翻译:关于头脸耳鼻相关的英语表达

    20-03-11 nod: 点头 He nodded to me as he quickly came over. 他边朝我点头,边快步走了过来。 shake ones head: 摇头 He shook his head, saying nothing. 他摇了摇头没说话。 tilt ones head back, forward, to the side: 把头向后仰;把头向前/侧倾(斜) Dont tilt your h...

  • 你的一个鼻孔总是比另外一个呼吸更费力

    18-05-20 Though you may not pay attention to it unless youre sick, youre always breathing more heavily from one nostril than the other. 除非生病了,否则你可能并不会注意到,你的一个鼻孔总是比另外一个呼吸更费力。 During the day, the sides switch and the other...

  • 为了健康着想 不要憋喷嚏

    18-01-20 When sitting in a quiet theatre or a packed train, stifling a sneeze by holding the nose and closing the mouth may seem like the courteous option. 当你坐在安静的剧院或拥挤的列车上时,用捂鼻子或紧闭嘴巴的方法把喷嚏憋回去似乎是个有礼貌的选择。 But doc...

  • 气候在人类鼻子演变中发挥重要作用

    17-03-24 If you are not satisfied with the shape of your nose, blame it on climate, not your parents or grandparents. 对自己的鼻子形状不满意?不要怪父母或祖父母,怪气候吧。 In a study published this week in the journal PLOS Genetics, researchers from the Pen...

  • 专家画出高度还原历史的达西肖像画

    17-02-20 He is literatures most eligible bachelor: handsome, wealthy, and the inspiration for countless romantic spin-offs in the last 200 years. 他是文学史上最完美的钻石王老五,既英俊又富有,并在过去两百年间启发人们创作了无数浪漫剧作。 Fans of the brooding...