• 电子鼻可能成为下一件日常设备

    16-06-19 Researchers at the Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE) at UT Dallas are working to develop an affordable electronic nose that can be used in breath analysis for a wide range of health diagnosis. While devices that can conduct breath analysis u...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 2-SLAVERY AND ESCAPE

    15-12-09 THAT evil influence which carried me first away from my father's house-which hurried me into the wild and indigested notion of raising my fortune, and that impressed those conceits so forcibly upon me as to make me deaf to all good advice, and to th...

  • 与鼻子有关的习语

    15-06-18 lead someone by the nose 控制某人,牵着某人的鼻子走 pay through the nose 花大价钱,被敲竹杠 turn up one's nose (at) 轻视,瞧不起,嗤之以鼻 under someone's (very) nose 在某人面前,当着某人的面 as plain as the nose on your face 显而易见,一清二楚 bite...

  • 4-7-8呼吸法使人快速入睡

    15-05-17 Now, one scientist claims he has a way of getting insomniacs to slip into a slumber in just 60 seconds and it doesn't involve prescription drugs or strange lighting. 现在,一位科学家声称,他有办法让失眠症患者60秒钟之内就酣然入眠不要用处方药物,也不...

  • 委内瑞拉男子为cos红骷髅割掉部分鼻子

    15-03-08 As the Daily Mail reports, 37-year-old Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela has undergone several procedures, including cutting off a part of his nose, to make himself look like the villain Red Skull from the popular comic book. 据英国《每日邮报》报道...

  • 与“五官”有关的习语

    15-03-04 Eye 眼睛 an eye for an eye 以眼还眼,报复 catch someone's eye 引某人注目,令人瞩目 give someone a black eye 打得某人鼻青脸肿 be all eyes 极注意地看着,非常留神 see eye to eye(with)意见一致,立场相同 see with half an eye 一看就明白 shut one's eye t...

  • 感冒常用表达

    14-12-04 He has a persistent cough. 他不停地在咳。 He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. 他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。 He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. 他声音嘶哑,有时失声。 He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。 His...

  • 如何止住鼻血

    14-12-04 The first step is to have the person sit still and quiet while you perform the procedure of stopping the bleeding nose. Tissue can be placed into the nostril that is bleeding and serve as some type of absorbent packing type material. That will reduc...

  • 大象的嗅觉动物界最灵敏

    14-08-10 Researchers have discovered that African Elephants have the largest number of genes dedicated to smell of any mammal. 研究人员发现,非洲大象拥有数量最多的基因,这些基因有利于所有哺乳动物的嗅觉。 Given the size of their trunks, and how important it i...

  • 女性完美鼻子与上唇成106度角

    14-07-05 科学家发现,女性鼻梁、鼻尖与上唇形成106度角就可称为完美鼻子,换言之,微微上翘的鼻子更能展现美态。 The ideal angle of a woman's nose is 106 degrees because it enhances femininity, scientists claim. Having a slightly upturned nose makes women appear m...