• 医生问你哪里不舒服该如何回答

    22-04-02 1. 我昨天由于流感病倒了。 Yesterday, I went down with the flu. 2. 我感到有点发烧/浑身发冷。 Im feeling feverish/ chills. 3. 我早上一直咳嗽。 I kept coughing all the morning. 4. 我扁桃体发炎、疼痛。 I have a sore throat. 5. 我流鼻涕/鼻塞。 I have a r...

  • look down one's nose at 目中无人

    22-01-22 目中无人,汉语成语,字面意思是眼里看不见别人(to ones eyes there is no other),比喻自高自大,瞧不起他人(having no respect for anyone)。与英文习语look down ones nose at意思相近,表示to regard or treat someone with disdain。也可以翻译为with ones no...

  • pay through the nose for something 出高价,花大价钱

    21-12-06 在中世纪的英国,如果一个人没有缴税,那么他的鼻子就会被用刀刺穿一个洞以示惩罚。这正是 pay through the nose for something 通过鼻子支付这个说法最初的含义,之后被引申成为某事物花大价钱,支付高出合理的费用。 例句 We went on vacation during the school hol...

  • on the nose 准确无误,恰到好处

    21-09-10 英语短语 on the nose 用来表示准确无误,恰到好处,常用在谈论数字或钱数的语境里。 例句 A: How much do think my new TV cost? B: 300? A: Yes, on the nose! It cost 300. A: Your mother must be about 60 years old? B: You got it on the nose. Shes 60. But I...

  • be no skin off sb's nose/back 不在乎

    21-08-19 -It makes no difference to you what someone else does or thinks. 例句: Its no skin off my nose if you dont take my advice. 如果你不听我的劝告,也没关系。 Its no skin off their nose if you show up to the show or not. 不管你去不去都没关系。...

  • have your nose in a book 埋头读书

    21-07-07 表达have ones nose in a book 鼻子紧贴书本用来形容一个人专心致志读书的样子,和我们 埋头看书这个常用搭配的意思相同。 另外,表达have your head buried in a book和have your head stuck in a book也表示同样的意思。我们通常把爱读书的人叫做bookworm 书虫。 例...

  • runny nose 流鼻涕

    21-05-30 1. phobia phobia尤指道理上无法解释的恐惧,惧怕,比如: Ive got a phobia about/of worms. 我很怕蠕虫。 还有一些是 acrophobia 恐高症 aerophobia 飞行恐惧症 agoraphobia 群众与空旷地区恐惧症 aquaphobia 恐水症 arachnophobia 蜘蛛恐惧症 astraphobia 闪电恐惧...

  • see no further than one's nose 鼠目寸光

    21-05-14 鼠目寸光,汉语成语,字面意思是老鼠的目光只有一寸之远(A mouse can see only an inch ahead)。形容目光短浅,没有远见。可以翻译为short-sighted,与英文习语see no further than ones nose意思相近,表示lack the ability to foresee problems, issues; to be nar...

  • keep your nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干

    21-04-24 工匠在 磨石 grindstones 上磨光刀具的时候,弯着腰,脸几乎都贴在磨石上专注地工作。据说,由于磨刀时的姿势看起来非常专注、辛苦,所以人们开始用表达 keep your nose to the grindstone 鼻子贴在磨石上 来比喻一个人 长时间勤奋、专注地做一件事。这个表达中的动词...

  • lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走

    21-04-15 牵着(某人)鼻子走,中文俗语,比喻受人支配,盲目地听命于人。与英文习语lead by the nose意思相近,表示dominate or control someone,exert a high degree of control over someone else。 例句: 不要让别人牵着鼻子走,要自己拿主意。 Dont let others lead you...