• To The Nines

    15-06-23 One day, on 9/9/99, a man woke up at 9:09 a.m. in the morning, jumped on Bus #99 and went to his favorite restaurant on 9th Street. When the cashier rang up his order, it totaled $9.99. Oh, wow, this is an omen! the man said, so he bought a pair of...

  • 球衣号码是怎么分配的

    14-09-15 参加世界杯的各国足球队内的球衣号码是怎么分配的?我们来为你解开球衣号码背后的故事。 1-The football jersey number often assigned to the starting goalkeeper 2-The squad number traditionally assigned to the right back, the defensive player assigned on t...

  • I want to know you 我想认识你

    13-01-30 Boy: I'd like to call you. What's your number? Girl: It's in the phone book. Boy: But I don't know your name. Girl: That's in the phone book too. 男:我想给你打电话。你的电话号码是多少? 女:在电话本上呢。 男:可是我不知道你的名字呀。 女:也在电话本...

  • Phonesia 电话失忆症

    13-01-24 Phonesia may refer to a) The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer. b) Getting to the end of a list of options on a recorded helpline number, only to forget which option one wanted; forcing the...

  • 4 是一个神奇的数字

    12-11-29 According to psychological lore(知识,学问) , when it comes to items of information the mind can cope with before confusion sets in, the magic number is seven. But a new analysis by a leading Australian psychiatrist challenges this long-held view,...

  • 韩国非婚生儿数量连续九年上升

    12-09-03 The number of babies born out of wedlock in Korea last year increased for the ninth consecutive year to 10,000, accounting for 2.1 percent of all births in 2011. 韩国去年出生的非婚生儿连续第九年数量上升,达到了1万名,占2011年韩国新生儿总数的2.1%。 A...

  • Wrong number

    11-06-08 A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about thirty minutes, and then she hung up. Wow! said her father, That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened? Wrong number, replied the girl....

  • 加拿2010年移民数量近50年最高

    11-02-19 加拿大政府日前宣布,2010年加拿大接收的合法移民人数创下50多年来的最高纪录,其中以移民为永久居民的就超过28万,另外还有近40万临时工作人员、留学生以及避难人员在去年进入加拿大。 Canada welcomed its highest number of legal immigrants in more than 50 years...

  • number-copying clan 抄号族

    11-02-16 在当今的白领圈中,有这样一个群体:她们时尚、漂亮、会打扮、善梳妆,尤其善于把有限的金钱投入到无限的美丽之中去。你时常能在商场的试衣间看到她们的身影,但很少看到她们到收银台付款,很纳闷吗?其实这已经不是什么秘密了,她们通常都是抽空去商场试好这一季要买...

  • Why 09/09/09 Is So Special 09/09/09的魔力何在?

    09-09-12 今天,2009年9月9日,恋人们争相到民政局注册结婚;电影发行方热力推出新片首映;商家也应景地推出特别促销活动。这是为什么呢?首先,09/09/09是我们在本世纪看到的最后一个年月日数字都相同的日期,下一次将是2101年1月1日。其次,数字明理学家认为从1到9每个数字都...