• 22-02-09 solid的本意是坚固的;坚硬的,用来形容人的话就是敦实的胖。 形容胖的英语有很多,来看看除了fat还可以怎么说? ①stocky(尤指男子)矮壮的,敦实的 The man was described as short and stocky and very strong. 据描述,那个男人矮个儿,敦实粗壮。 ②plump圆胖的...

  • 儿童和青少年肥胖已成全球问题

    21-04-07 医学期刊《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)发布的一项研究报告指出,儿童肥胖已成全球问题。全世界有1亿2400万孩童过胖,肥胖问题已经蔓延至200个多个国家。研究结果还显示,肥胖的儿童很可能到了成年阶段依然肥胖,这会使他们面临严重的健康问题。预估从2025年开始,全球对抗...

  • 研究:剖腹产的婴儿更容易肥胖

    17-10-18 Babies born via c-section are more likely to become obese than those born naturally, a study has revealed. 一项研究显示,通过剖腹产出生的婴儿比顺产出生的婴儿更容易出现肥胖问题。 Research from New York University found that mice born via a c-section...

  • 全球1/3人口超重或肥胖

    17-06-18 More than 2 billion adults and children globally are overweight or obese and suffer health problems because of their weight, a new study reports. 最新研究显示,全球共有20亿成年人以及儿童超重或肥胖,并因超重而产生健康问题。 This equates to one-third...

  • 超重或肥胖使人患癌症几率增大

    14-08-14 Being overweight and obese puts people at greater risk of developing 10 of the most common cancers, according to research in the Lancet medical journal. 医学期刊《柳叶刀》上的一项调查显示,超重与肥胖会使人患10中常见癌症飞几率大大增加。 Scientists ca...

  • 沙特610公斤重男子被空运至医院治疗

    13-08-25 A Saudi man weighing 1,345 pounds was airlifted to a hospital in Riyadh Monday, Reuters reports, a process that required a forklift and the partial demolition of his house. 英国媒体报道,沙特政府多部门联动,在8月19日将一名体重1345磅(约610公斤)、不...

  • 肥胖儿童更易受食品广告的影响

    12-12-03 Rates of childhood obesity have tripled in the past 30 years, and food marketing has been implicated as one factor contributing to this trend. Every year, companies spend more than $10 billion in the US marketing their food and beverages to children...

  • 儿童肥胖的几个影响因素

    12-10-31 High birth weight, rapid weight gain and having an overweight mother who smokes can all increase the risk of a baby becoming obese later in childhood, research by experts at The University of Nottingham has found. The study, published in the latest...

  • 儿童肥胖与环境化学物有关

    12-06-27 Obese children show greater exposure than nonobese children to a phthalate(邻苯二甲酸酯) , a chemical used to soften plastics in some children's toys and many household products, according to a new study, which found that the obesity risk increase...

  • 中年肥胖会使记忆力下降

    12-06-07 If you're middle-aged and your memory's not what it used to be, check the bathroom scale(体重秤) , researchers warned, suggesting overweight people tend to score more poorly on tests of memory than their thinner peers do. The findings suggest that...