• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 37

    22-07-18 At first the novelty of the work kept Philip interested. Mr. Carter dictated letters to him, and he had to make fair copies of statements of accounts. Mr. Carter preferred to conduct the office on gentlemanly lines; he would have nothing to do with...

  • 礼貌地挂断电话

    22-06-28 1. Ive really got to go, Ill get back to you when I get the office. 我真的得走了,我到办公室再打给你。 2. Sorry, I must end the conversation. Theres someone on the other line. 抱歉,我不能再说了。我还有另外一通电话要接。 3. Sorry, Ive got to hang up...

  • high-end 高端,高档

    22-05-20 合成形容词 high-end 的意思是 高端的,高档的,这类产品往往面向寻求高质量且不计较价格的消费者。High-end 常用来描述科技产品。 例句 We bought a high-end computer for the home office to be able to run editing software easily. 我们为居家办公室买了一台高端...

  • I need it yesterday 我现在就要

    22-04-12 I need it yesterday 我现在就要 这句话的意思不是我昨天需要。恰恰相反,真正的意思是 I need it right now,就是我马上就要,这个表达一般用于很焦急的情况。 I need it yesterday,so youd better send the document to my office, 我现在就要,你最好把文件送到我办...

  • call the shots 做主

    22-03-30 短语 call the shots 的意思是 有权力做决定或影响他人,也就是 做主。 例句 She always calls the shots and everyone does what she says. 做主的总是她,每个人都照她说的做。 The manager thinks he calls the shots in our office but nobody listens! 经理自以为...

  • it never rains but it pours 福无双至,祸不单行

    22-03-23 福无双至,祸不单行是一个汉语成语,指幸运的事不会连续到来,祸事却会接踵而至(literally blessings never come in pairs and misfortunes never come singly),与俗语屋漏偏逢连夜雨意思相同,可以用it never rains but it pours表示。福无双至和祸不单行也可分开...

  • Definition Of A Phallic Symbol

    22-03-09 This girl walks in to a doctors office and she asks, Whats a phallic symbol? The doctor says, Youre kidding. The girl says No! I dont know! Whats a phallic symbol? The doctor pulls his pants and underwear down and says, You see? This is afailic symb...

  • stay-at-home mom 全职妈妈

    22-02-07 Stay-at-home mom:大家应该很好猜出来是什么意思吧?呆在家里不外出工作,全身心在家带宝宝的妈妈,也就是全职妈妈。 Being a stay-at-home mom is as much hard work as going to an office everyday. 全职妈妈和每天出去工作一样辛苦。 John: So weve been talking a...

  • happy camper 心满意足的人,乐天派

    22-01-22 表达 happy camper 的字面意思是 快乐的露营者,实际用来比喻 对自己的处境,如工作或成就等感到非常满意的人。 例句 Zhang Lei is very satisfied with the project hes just finished. Hes a happy camper. 张磊对他刚刚完成的项目非常满意。他雀跃不已。 Cassandra...

  • lie, situated, located, be

    22-01-22 Lie somewhere、situated somewhere、located somewhere 和 be somewhere都可以用来引出位置,意思是 位于。我们下面就来介绍它们各自的用法。 先说 lie somewhere。我们用 something lies somewhere 来谈论地点、位置,意思是 坐落于。注意,lie 是动词,所以会根据句...