• 我哪里得罪你了?

    22-01-07 我们经常说的我哪里得罪你了?英语应该怎么说呢?难道是Where did I offend you? 当然不能用Where,where是一个副词,表示询问地点。在这句话中用where,那绝对是中式英语了。 如果你问老外where did I offend you? 他可能会回答你冒犯他的那个地点,比如...in the o...

  • 坚持新年计划的五个技巧

    22-01-05 1.Make a cue-based plan 做一份详细的计划 Just as cues tell Broadway stars when to step onto the stage, research has shown that adding a cue to your plan helps you remember when to act. Be sure to detail when and where youll follow through. 正如出场...

  • going round in circles 原地兜圈子

    22-01-04 Going round in circles 这个短语的意思是没有进展总在原地兜圈子。 例句 Weve been talking about this for hours but we keep going round in circles. Ive been driving around for ages trying to find the station but I seem to keep going round in circles. We...

  • 德国法院 居家办公受伤算工伤

    21-12-28 员工在居家办公期间受伤算工伤吗?近日,德国一家法院裁定,算。 据英国《卫报》报道,德国一名男子居家办公期间,在从床走向家中办公桌的路上不小心滑倒摔伤背部。法院判决,该男子从床走到桌前的这段路可视为通勤,他可以进行工伤索赔。 A German court has ruled th...

  • a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

    21-12-17 短语 a bolt from the blue, 意思是发生了完全意想不到的事情,晴天霹雳。 例句 The prime ministers resignation was a bolt from the blue. It was a real bolt from the blue when I bumped into my first ever boyfriend in the supermarket. The announcement abo...

  • larger than life 非同凡响,耀眼夺目

    21-12-07 表达 larger than life 用来描述一个人 外表格外耀眼夺目,或行为比普通人更有趣,非同凡响。这种 超群不凡 既可以形容行为,也可以形容仪表,通常用来指一个会引来各方注目的人。在三个单词间加上连字符,可作复合形容词 larger-than-life 使用。 例句 Our boss alway...

  • 下马威

    21-11-19 下马威,原指官吏初到任时对下属显示的威风(severity shown by an official on assuming office),后泛指一开始就向对方显示自己的威力(head-on blow at the first encounter)。 常用表达给对手一个下马威,英文可以翻译为prevail over the opponent from the very...

  • 打电话必备英文表达

    21-10-27 Hello, this is Jerry. 你好,我是杰瑞。 May I speak to John? 我可以和约翰通电话吗? I will get him. Hold on please. 我去叫他,请稍等。 I am sorry. John is out of the office today. Would you like to leave a message? 抱歉,约翰今天不在公司里。你需要留...

  • 英语反身代词的用法

    21-09-17 当一个句子中的主语与宾语一致时,宾语则可以用反身代词。其中,第一人称和第二人称的反身代词是由形容词性物主代词 my、your、our 等加上 -self 或 -selves 组成的。比如:myself、yourself、yourselves、ourselves。第三人称的反身代词则由人称代词 her、him、them...

  • we'll talk 别说啦

    21-09-15 Well talk字面意思就是我们再说吧。但我们能说这话是想让对方打住,所以well talk其实就是别说啦的意思。 例句: - Our professor is so mean! -我们教授太刻薄了! - Hush...Her office is right there, well talk. -嘘她办公室就在那儿,可别说啦。...