• dead的五个用法

    21-05-24 1 Dead 可以表达人类或其它生物 死亡的,失去生命的。 Hes dead. 2 Dead 可以表达身体某部位 麻木的,失去知觉的。 I tried to catch Monkey, but my arm had gone dead. 3 Dead 可以表达电池 没电的,电量用光的。 Oh, no! The batterys dead! 4 Dead 在非正式的英式...

  • 修复巴黎圣母院

    21-05-14 Beneath its protective cranes, Notre Dame still embodies the horror and heroism that unfolded here two years ago. Since then, workers have been clearing the debris, securing the structure and dismantling the scaffolding that melted in the fire. Fort...

  • 办公场所的未来

    21-05-14 Remember this? This is what an office looks like. During the pandemic, millions of people swapped their large open-plan offices for their living rooms. Now, some companies say their employees need never come back in. 还记得这是什么吗?这是办公大楼。...

  • get held up 受阻无法前进

    21-04-26 搭配 get held up 来自 to hold something/someone up。在使用中,通常用其被动形式,即 get held up,用来谈论一件事情因外在原因被耽搁,或者一个人的原有计划受阻,从而导致事情被延误。 注意,get held up 常与介词 by 搭配,后接造成事情延误的具体原因;get held...

  • organizational punishment 组织处理

    21-04-06 中共中央办公厅近日印发《中国共产党组织处理规定(试行)》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真遵照执行。通知指出,组织处理是教育干部、管理干部的必备手段,是全面从严治党的重要措施。 The General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee has...

  • 嘈杂繁忙的现代化办公室

    21-03-09 Can you concentrate in a crowded environment? If you want to work in a modern office youd better start getting used to it. Millions of workers spend their long shifts in open-plan offices these days. And your co-workers? Well, dont stretch your arms...

  • 你是工作狂吗?

    21-03-03 Do you check your work emails when youre on holiday? Do you call your colleagues to ask whats happening in the office even on a day off? I do. When I see no signal on my mobile phone in a busy shopping centre or no wi-fi in the hotel by the beach, I...

  • box office 票房

    21-02-22 2021年春节档以超78亿元的票房成绩收官,创下影史同期最高纪录。贾玲也凭借电影《你好,李焕英》,成为了中国影史上票房最高的女导演。 那和票房有关的英文该怎么说呢? Box office指的是卖票的地方,不管是卖球票还是卖电影票的地方,都可以称作box office。 例如跟朋...

  • grovel 低声下气

    20-12-21 低声下气,汉语成语,字面意思是lower ones voice and stifle ones anger,形容说话时态度卑微恭顺的样子。可以用grovel表示,意思是 to behave with too much respect toward someone to show that you are very eager to please them。 例句: 我强迫自己走进他的办...

  • 反身代词的用法

    20-12-14 当一个句子中的主语与宾语一致时,宾语则可以用反身代词。其中,第一人称和第二人称的反身代词是由形容词性物主代词 my、your、our 等加上 -self 或 -selves 组成的。比如:myself、yourself、yourselves、ourselves。第三人称的反身代词则由人称代词 her、him、them...