• take something offline 私下再谈

    22-05-20 职场中,当上级在会议等场合中使用短语 take something offline 时,是在告诉某人 不要再谈论一件事情,会后私下再说。这个短语经常与 lets 搭配,用来表示命令或请求,即 Lets take it offline.(让我们私下里谈这件事情)。 例句 I understand that this is a really...

  • 拖延,耽搁

    21-11-23 1. Hold off事情不抓紧做,延迟、推迟都可以用这个短语表示。 Lets hold off making a decision until next week. 我们延到下周再作决定吧。 2. Sit on (sth)坐在某件事上,说明没有开始行动,意思是拖延,类似的表达还有sleep on,指的是留着等第二天再说。 Lets sit...

  • 《纽约时报》官网被黑

    13-08-28 The New York Times website has gone offline for the second time this month after what the company described as a malicious external attack. 《纽约时报》官网本月第二次脱机,该公司将此次事件说成是恶意的外部攻击。 On its Facebook page, the Times said i...

  • offline socializing 离线社交

    13-06-09 A study says that offline socializing brings more happiness than online. Offline socializing means meeting real people, spending time with family and friends, and talking to them in person instead of texting, emailing them, or checking their status...
