• invite someone with complete sincerity 三顾茅庐

    21-12-29 三顾茅庐,汉语成语,字面意思是pay three visits to the thatched cottage,原为刘备拜访诸葛亮的故事。后人用三顾茅庐来比喻诚心实意地一再邀请。可以翻译为invite someone with complete sincerity,repeatedly request somebody to take up a post。 例句: 我们三...

  • monkey business 胡闹

    21-12-28 当某人参与 monkey business 的时候,这就是说这个人在胡闹。这个短语也能用来表达那些不诚实或违规的行为。 例句 Two policemen showed up at my neighbours doorstep this morning. Ive always suspected theres been some monkey business going on in the house. S...

  • pay through the nose for something 出高价,花大价钱

    21-12-06 在中世纪的英国,如果一个人没有缴税,那么他的鼻子就会被用刀刺穿一个洞以示惩罚。这正是 pay through the nose for something 通过鼻子支付这个说法最初的含义,之后被引申成为某事物花大价钱,支付高出合理的费用。 例句 We went on vacation during the school hol...

  • 谈论个人偏好的英语句式

    21-09-17 你喜欢独自旅行还是参团出游?结账时,你喜欢用现金还是银行卡?生活中,在被问及对某样东西的感觉,或需要对不同物品作出选择时,人们则需要表明自己更喜欢什么。在这类情况下,我们通常会使用 would + prefer 或 would + rather 的结构来表达自己的偏爱、偏好。除了...

  • spill the beans 泄漏秘密

    21-08-24 当你让某人 spill the beans 的时候,你实际上是让此人把秘密告诉你,泄漏秘密。 例句 As soon as he was arrested the thief spilled the beans: he told the police about the other members of his gang. The police caught them all. You spent a whole hour in th...

  • 关于“买单”的表达

    21-08-24 Please add to my account. 请记在我的账里。 Shall we split the check? 我们大家平摊? Wed like to pay separately. 我们分开买单。 Separate check, please. 分别买单,谢谢。 Lets go Dutch this time. 这次咱们各付各的吧。 How about we pay our own share? 我...

  • 市场监管总局将治理网络不正当竞争现象

    21-08-19 8月17日,市场监管总局发布《禁止网络不正当竞争行为规定》征求意见稿,面向社会公开征求意见。 According to a document published on the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, business operators should not use data, algorithms or other...

  • ask for the moon 异想天开

    21-08-03 短语 to ask for the moon 直译是要天上的月亮,实际意思是说某人提出过分的要求,想要得不到的东西或是想做做不到的事儿。 例句 Bobs wife is always asking for the moon. He works hard 12 hours a day for poor pay, but she still expects expensive holidays and...

  • to bury your head in the sand 逃避现实

    21-08-02 自然界有这样一个神话:每当鸵鸟面对捕食者时就会把自己的头往沙子里扎。据信它们这样做是认为看不到危险,那么危险就会消失。假如鸵鸟果真是这样做的话,那么它们将会面对更大的风险, 因为它们实际上是将自己放入了一种难以逃脱的境地。从人的角度来看把你的头埋在沙...

  • sick pay 病假工资

    21-07-26 sick pay表示病假工资 ,也就是带薪生病。 英文释义: When you are ill and unable to work, sick pay is the money that you get from your employer instead of your normal wages. 例句: They are not eligible for sick pay. 他们没有资格领病假工资。...