• pay for all the items in the cart 清空购物车

    22-11-14 这句话可不是说把购物车的东西都删掉,而是把购物车里的商品都买下。所以它的英文自然也有了,那就是pay for all the items in the cart。 例句: You can now use the application to select items from your catalog, add them to your shopping cart, empty your ca...

  • balance 尾款

    22-11-14 在淘宝卖家规定的时间范围内付尾款,消费者才能享受商家提供的优惠。如果现实中消费者无法在规定时间内付款,预售定金不予退还。 尾款的英文是Balance。 例句: They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们定在货到时支付尾款。...

  • 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法(10)

    22-10-27 第九十一条 香港特别行政区法官以外的其他司法人员原有的任免制度继续保持。 Article 91 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall maintain the previous system of appointment and removal of members of the judiciary other than judges. 第九十二条 香...

  • #PayMeToo 男女薪资差距或不等

    22-09-28 与性别相关的颇有产量的社交网络标签#MeToo是全球推出的女性反抗性骚扰和性暴力的社交媒体运动。上周,英国政坛出现一个#MeToo系列的运动。正如工党议员Stella Creasy对英国《卫报》的解释,他们正在推出#PayMeToo的运动,旨在申明男女薪资差距或不等。 RT! Do some go...

  • 英国人什么时候说Sorry 中

    22-08-16 13. Not using enough milk. 没放够牛奶。 14. Coughing. 咳嗽。 15. Sneezing. 打喷嚏。 16. Swearing. 骂人。 17. Spilling your pint on someone. 你把酒洒到了别人身上。 18. When someone spills their pinton you. 别人把酒洒在了你身上。 19. When you pay for...

  • rob Peter to pay Paul 挖东墙补西墙

    22-07-30 挖东墙补西墙,汉语成语,字面意思是挖这里的去补那里(take from the eastern wall to repair the western one),比喻勉强应付,临时救急,不是根本办法。可以翻译为rob Peter to pay Paul或resort to a makeshift solution等。 例句: 挖东墙补西墙可不行,你还是得...

  • 10件为了和上级友好相处而不该做的事情 上

    22-07-25 1. Having to be reminded. 你总得催催催 Yes, we all let things slip through the cracks now and then. However, its been my experience that some employees are the same ones that need to be consistently llowed up with when others seem to be able to resp...