• pig的习惯用语

    22-02-09 live like pigs in clover 养尊处优 pig between two sheets 火腿三明治 pig in the middle 夹在中间的人 pig sweat 啤酒、劣酒 drive ones pigs to market 打鼾 please the pigs 如果运气好的话 sell a pig in a bag 挂羊头买狗肉 sweat like a pig 大汗淋漓 go to pi...

  • make a pig's ear 把某事弄糟

    22-02-09 猪耳朵又是什么意思呢?生活在猪圈里的小猪,总是把周围弄的乱糟糟的,所以这个习语形容弄糟,搞砸。Pigs ear相当于a mess,一团糟。 例句: - He made a pigs ear of things on the evening. 那天晚上,他干了一件错事。 - Dont try to build models when youre feeli...

  • pig out 狼吞虎咽,沉迷于某事

    22-02-09 英语里关于pig的象征意义,其实也和我们汉语一样,都有吃货的意思。词组pig out就是狼吞虎咽地大吃;大吃特吃。如果你家里养过猪,你就知道猪吃东西的时候是如何豪放了,它们会发出一阵阵吵杂的声音,然后大口大口地吞下食物。 大家要记住哦,不要把pig out翻译成猪,...

  • buy a pig in a poke 瞎买东西,盲目同意

    21-11-10 字面理解是从口袋里买只猪,买家看起来就不太聪明的样子。因此这个俚语的意思是(不管好坏)瞎买东西,也有盲目同意之意。 例句: He regretted buying a pig in a poke because the secondhand computer he had bought didnt work. 他后悔自己瞎买东西,因为他买的二...

  • 热死宝宝了

    21-05-30 1. I cant stand such sultry weather anymore! 我再也不能忍受这种湿热的天气了! The weather in Guang Zhou is sweltering. 广州的天气真是湿热。 2. I am sweating like a pig, and Im not doing anything. 虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。 (sweat like a pig...

  • pig out 大吃特吃

    21-04-29 搭配 pig out 的意思是 狼吞虎咽,大吃特吃。虽然这个说法用单词 pig 猪 来比喻人狼吞虎咽的样子,但它并不一定是贬义。 Pig out on 后面加具体的食物名称,意思是 猛吃什么东西。 例句 Spring Festival is a time when people often pig out. 春节期间人们通常大吃特...

  • as happy as a pig in muck 乐不可支

    21-04-29 小猪喜欢在泥巴里滚来滚去,虽然弄得一身脏,却乐在其中。表达 as happy as a pig in muck 就借这一情景来比喻一个人 高兴得不得了、乐不可支。这个说法多用来描述因自身情况或目前的状态而感到非常高兴,而不能形容因为某件具体的事情而开心。 除了 as happy as a pig...

  • male chauvinist pig 男性沙文主义猪

    20-09-26 A male chauvinist pig (MCP) was a term used in the 1960s among some feminists for some men, usually men with some power (such as an employer or professor), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action. 男...

  • 阿根廷发行中国猪年邮票

    19-05-29 Chinese Year of the Pig zodiac stamps has started to be issued in Buenos Aires, May 27, 2019. 2019年5月27日阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯发行中国猪年邮票。 To mark the event, a ceremony was held at Chinese embassy in Argentina, with the release of a pig stamp...

  • 法国发行猪年邮票

    19-01-29 The French postal administration has issued two stamps featuring pigs on Sunday to help mark the forthcoming Year of the Pig, according to the Xinhua news agency. 法国邮政总局周日发行两张邮票纪念即将到来的中国新年。 The two stamps, one with a face v...