• 全球海洋中漂浮的塑料污染物重达26.9万吨

    14-12-11 Nearly 269,000 tons of plastic pollution may be floating in the world's oceans, according to a study published December 10, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Marcus Eriksen from Five Gyres Institute and colleagues. Microplastic pollution i...

  • 美国加州通过全州限塑令

    14-10-21 The US state of California has passed the first statewide legislation in the nation banning single-use plastic bags. 美国加利福尼亚州通过了第一个全州范围的限塑令。 The bags will be outlawed in grocery and convenience stores to cut down on litter dam...

  • 巨大的垃圾带重新界定了海洋界限

    14-09-04 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an area of environmental concern between Hawaii and California where the ocean surface is marred by scattered pieces of plastic, which outweigh plankton in that part of the ocean and pose risks to fish, turtles and...

  • 塑料可能成为下一代信息存储材料

    14-04-17 Inexpensive computers, cell phones and other systems that substitute(代替) flexible plastic for silicon chips may be one step closer to reality, thanks to research published on April 16 in the journal Nature Communications. The paper describes a n...

  • 自拍风潮影响面部整形

    14-03-21 Plastic surgeons say they're seeing more patients who want facial surgery, and they attribute the rise to social media and the growing selfie trend. 整形外科医务人员表示现在越来越多的病人想要进行面部整形,他们认为之所以会出现这种现象,是因为受到当下...

  • 塑料垃圾影响海洋生态系统

    14-02-26 Scientists are revealing how microbes living on floating pieces of plastic marine debris affect the ocean ecosystem, and the potential harm they pose to invertebrates(无脊椎动物) , humans and other animals. New research being presented here today...

  • 塑料购物袋是制造柴油的好原料

    14-02-14 Plastic shopping bags, an abundant source of litter on land and at sea, can be converted into diesel, natural gas and other useful petroleum products, researchers report. The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results...

  • 将废旧塑料变为高科技材料

    13-09-26 University of Adelaide researchers have developed a process for turning waste plastic bags into a high-tech nanomaterial. The innovative nanotechnology uses non-biodegradable plastic grocery bags to make 'carbon nanotube membranes' -- highly sophist...

  • 废弃硫磺可用于改进电池效能

    13-04-15 A new chemical process can transform waste sulfur into a lightweight plastic that may improve batteries for electric cars, reports a University of Arizona-led team. The new plastic has other potential uses, including optical uses. The team has succe...

  • Jelly shoes 果冻鞋

    13-02-27 Jelly shoes or jellies are shoes made of PVC plastic. Jelly shoes come in a large variety of brands and colors and the material is frequently infused with glitter. Its name refers to the semi-transparent materials with a jelly-like sheen. The shoes...