• 大西洋上的微塑料可能重达2100万吨

    20-11-17 科学家们发现,大西洋上漂浮着的微塑料碎片总重在1200万吨到2100万吨。由英国国家海洋学中心(National Oceanography Centre)领导的一项研究,研究团队在穿越大西洋中部的一次考察中对海平面以下200米(650英尺)内的海水进行了测量。 In the decades that our discar...

  • 遍及全球的塑料污染问题

    20-10-11 It is everywhere because its almost endlessly useful. And when its thrown away, if plastic finds its way into a plant like this, a lot of it can be made into something useful all over again. 塑料无处不在,因为它的用途几乎是无穷无尽的。当塑料被丢弃后...

  • 豌豆变塑料

    20-10-11 Everyone in this lab is full of plastic. Well, their lab coats are anyway. 在这间实验室里,每个人从头到脚都是塑料。至少他们的实验服都是塑料做的。 A lot of our clothes are full of tiny little balls that have got fragrance inside - its what makes them...

  • 印尼市民可用塑料瓶兑换公交车票

    19-08-16 Dozens of people clutching bags full of plastic bottles and disposable cups queue at a busy bus terminal in the Indonesian city of Surabaya -- where passengers can swap trash for travel tickets. 在印度尼西亚泗水市一个繁忙的公交终点站,数十名乘客手持...

  • 上海酒店停止提供一次性日用品

    19-07-02 Starting Monday, hotels in Shanghai are requested to stop offering disposable toiletry kits. 从本周一开始,上海市的酒店被要求停止向顾客提供一次性日用品。 Hotel guests are encouraged to use and reuse recyclable daily consumables during their stay, su...

  • 墨西哥城禁用一次性塑料用品

    19-05-10 Mexico Citys legislature voted Thursday to ban businesses from buying, selling or giving their customers disposable plastics. 墨西哥城立法机构周四投票决定禁止商业机构购买、销售或者对顾客使用一次性塑料用品。 The ban, set to come into force in Decembe...

  • 星巴克停用塑料制品推广到中国

    19-04-23 Starbucks is moving forward with its campaign to reduce its use of plastic. 星巴克将继续推进减少塑料制品的活动。 With customers in Shanghai and Shenzhen the first in China to be offered paper straws and strawless sippy lids, rather than plastic stra...

  • 世界第一艘塑料船1月底首航

    19-01-15 Flip-Flopi, the worlds first ship made of plastic, will usher in its maiden sail by the end of January. 世界上第一艘由塑料制成的船只Flip-Flopi将于1月底开始处女航。 It will depart from Lamu Island in Kenya and arrive at Zanzibar Island in Tanzania af...

  • 研究:禁用塑料反而会增加温室气体排放量

    18-12-23 An outright ban on plastics could cause even more harm to the environment and lead to triple the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. 完全禁用塑料可能对环境造成更大的危害,导致温室气体排放量增加至之前的三倍。 Thats the finding of experts from Herriot...

  • 超90%食盐中含有微塑料

    18-10-26 A study published Tuesday (Oct. 16) in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found microplastics in more than 90% of the packaged food-grade salt -- also known as table salt -- for sale in stores. 美国《环境科学与技术》月刊10月16日发表的...