• 德国前总理赫尔姆特·科尔辞世

    17-06-18 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent condolences to his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel after former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl passed away at the age of 87. 德国前总理赫尔姆特科尔近日辞...

  • 《坏蛋必须死》在北京举行首映式

    15-11-24 China-South Korea co-produced film 'Bad Guys Always Die' has premiered in Beijing. 中韩联合制作影片《坏蛋必须死》在北京举行首映式。 Director Sun Hao along with the leading cast, including Korean actress Son Ye-jin and Chinese actor Qiao Zhenyu, atte...

  • 贾斯汀·特鲁多 加拿大帅气新总理

    15-10-27 Justin Trudeau, a young and handsome outdoorsman and former bartender, among other roles far removed from politics, proved Monday he is not just another pretty face. 贾斯汀特鲁多,这位年轻英俊又热爱户外运动的前酒保19日向人们证明,他拥有的,可不仅仅...

  • 澳前总理丹尼尔·安德鲁斯访华

    15-09-21 Australia's Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has started a seven-day tour to China to boost relations and trade with the Asian country. 维多利亚时代的澳大利亚总理丹尼尔安德鲁斯开启七日中国行,以促进与中国的关系与贸易往来。 Making his first internati...

  • 李克强:与印度总理的会谈达到预期

    15-05-15 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Friday said that his talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi have met expectations. 中国总理李克强周五表示,与印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪的会谈结果达到预期。 We just had in-depth talks and touched a wide range of topics...

  • 李克强对塞尔维亚进行正式访问

    14-12-16 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived late Monday for a leaders' meeting of China and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries and an official visit to Serbia. 中国总理李克强周一晚些时候抵达塞尔维亚参加中国与中东欧国家领导人会议,并对塞尔维亚进行正...

  • 巴西世界杯会怎样改变英超

    14-07-08 As we get down to the business end of what most people agree is the best World Cup in living memory, the Premier League feels a long way away. It's not: in 45 days, the whole crazy circus that England's top flight begins again. So what can the Premi...

  • 卡梅伦街边买咖啡遭店员冷待

    12-07-17 The fury over the ill-fated pasty tax should have warned David Cameron to stay well clear of Britain's high street eateries. But the prime minister wandered into a caf for a cup of coffee to a decidedly frosty reception when he was told to get in li...

  • 贝卢斯科尼伤愈“复出”

    10-01-16 Premier Silvio Berlusconi returned to a busy political schedule Monday after a monthlong recovery from an attack that broke his nose and two teeth. 本周一,意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼在受伤休养一个月后重返忙碌的政治日程。老贝在之前的一次遇袭事件中...

  • 温总理入选“影响美国经济十大人物”

    09-12-05 美国广播公司(ABC)昨日公布了其评选出的自2000年以来影响美国经济的十大人物名单,入选的除了现任美国财长盖特纳、前财长保尔森以及联邦储备局主席伯南克等美国人外,中国国务院总理温家宝也榜上有名。对于唯一一位入选的外国人,该公司表示温家宝总理正在为全球经济...