• Half Price 半价

    14-06-17 Jack: My daughter's music lessons are a fortune to me. John: How is that? Jack: They enabled me to buy the neighbor's houses at half price. 杰克:我女儿的音乐课对我来说是一笔财富。 约翰:怎么说? 杰克:这让我用半价买下了邻居的房子。...

  • 需求减弱 美国房价增长放缓

    14-05-28 US housing price growth slowed to just 0.2% in the first three months of 2014, latest figures show. 最新数据显示,2014年第一季度美国房价增长速度减缓至0.2%。 According to the SP/Case-Shiller index, the slowdown in growth compared with the previous qu...

  • 利用好你的错误

    14-04-23 Mistakes and errors are the disciplined true which we advance in life(渐老) . Mistakes are great teachers. Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations, and who are able to learn from...

  • 乌克兰燃气价格将上涨50%

    14-03-27 Ukraine's interim government says it will raise gas prices for domestic consumers by 50% in an effort to secure an International Monetary Fund (IMF) aid package. 乌克兰临时政府将家庭燃气价格提升50%以确保实施国际货币基金组织的援助项目。 An official a...

  • econnoisseur 羊毛党

    14-03-20 Econnoisseur is one who insists on the highest quality at the lowest price. 羊毛党是那些坚持以最低的价格买到最高品质商品的精明消费者。 Example: Being an econnoisseur I bought the ten dollar chilean wine instead of the fifty dollar french. 精明的我选...

  • cheappuccino 廉价咖啡

    14-01-22 Cheappuccino refers to any of the wide variety of flavored coffee drinks offered at convenience stores such as Circle K or 7 Eleven that can be purchased for less than half the price of a Starbucks cappuccino. 廉价咖啡指的是像Circle K或7 Eleven这样...

  • 2013黄金投资形式极为严峻

    13-12-06 十一月为坚信黄金价值的投资者带来了新的不利消息:该月黄金价格下降6%,是6月以来单月下降最多的月份,使2013年度的黄金投资形式更为严峻,也结束了长达13年的黄金市场繁荣。黄金价格今年已经下跌了25%,是自2000年以来的首次。 November brought more bad news for b...

  • 粉钻“粉红之星”卖出8300万美元天价

    13-11-14 A diamond known as the Pink Star has sold for $83m at auction in Geneva - a record price for a gemstone. 一颗名为粉红之星的宝石在日内瓦的一场拍卖会上以8300万美元价格成交创造了宝石价格的历史之最。 The moment the Pink Star diamond was sold for a recor...

  • My Father isn't as rich as his

    13-11-13 This is a story about the well-known millionaire, John D. Rockefeller, and was told by a friend of his. This friend said that though Rockefeller gave away millions, he was very mean about small sums of money. One day he went to stay at a hotel in Ne...

  • 中国二手奢侈品市场人气大涨

    13-11-11 As fur coats and Swiss watches fall out of vogue among China's elites facing a corruption crackdown, another luxury sector is quietly thriving. The second-hand luxury market has seen a jump this year, according to a survey of stores by Fortune Chara...