• 寻求帮助

    22-08-15 I was wondering if I could talk to you about... I was hoping that if I could talk to you about... I was wondering if itd be possible that you... 上述句子均表示:不知我是否可用跟您请教.../您可否... 这种句式一般都是用过去时,在email里面也是如此。而且...

  • we'll talk 别说啦

    21-09-15 Well talk字面意思就是我们再说吧。但我们能说这话是想让对方打住,所以well talk其实就是别说啦的意思。 例句: - Our professor is so mean! -我们教授太刻薄了! - Hush...Her office is right there, well talk. -嘘她办公室就在那儿,可别说啦。...

  • in the hole 负债累累

    21-08-20 当某人说自己 in the hole, 意思就是他遇到经济困难,负债累累。至于具体欠了多少,只需在这个短语前加上数字就行。 例句 Im very worried. I have just lost my job and Im $1,000 in the hole. Economists are scratching their heads. The global recession has lef...

  • tear your hair out 抓狂

    21-07-29 如果你对某种状况感到极为扫兴和气愤,你就会焦躁不安,想抓狂。此时就可以用tear you hair out。 例句 Ive been tearing my hair out over my dissertation. Its due in next week and Im really not happy with it. I might have to start again. Their performance...