• Jo's Boys - Charter 13

    20-09-16 I dont expect to hear from Emil yet, and Nat writes regularly, but where is Dan? Only two or three postals since he went. Such an energetic fellow as he is could buy up all the farms in Kansas by this time, said Mrs Jo one morning when the mail came...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 7

    20-09-16 When the boys were gone a lull fell upon Plumfield, and the family scattered to various places for brief outings, as August had come and all felt the need of change. The Professor took Mrs Jo to the mountains. The Laurences were at the seashore, and...

  • 28岁年轻教授被任命为副院长

    18-01-24 A young professor who is only 28 years old has been appointed as deputy dean of a newly-established institute at the University of Electronic Science and Technology in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻网报道,中国四川...

  • 美教授预言:特朗普将被弹劾

    16-11-30 A US-based professor, who was among the few prognosticators who had predicted Donald Trumps victory, has made another stunning prediction that he will be eventually impeached by a Republican Congress and replaced by a leader who can be trusted and c...

  • My friends only came to say goodbye 朋友只是来送行

    16-06-04 There were three professors at the railway station. They were deep in conversation. The train had just arrived, but they did not notice it. Then the guard shouted, Take your seats, please! The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train. Two...

  • 安吉丽娜·朱莉被伦敦经济学院任命为客座教授

    16-05-30 The Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has been appointed visiting professor at the London School of Economics (LSE), where she will teach a Masters in gender and human rights. 好莱坞明星安吉丽娜朱莉近日被伦敦经济学院任命为客座教授,教授性别与人权硕士课...

  • 经济学教授的数学公式被认为恐怖组织代码

    16-05-14 An Ivy League professor aboard an American Airlines flight was questioned after a passenger mistook a math equation for Arabic and possible Islamic code for a terrorist attack. 一位常春藤名校的教授在乘坐美国航空的航班时,有乘客误把他写的数学公式当成...

  • A Welcome Guest 受欢迎的听众

    16-02-17 One afternoon while I was talking to a professor, my two-year-old daughter Melissa, wandered into a nearby classroom. There was a math class in progress and, to my dismay, Melissa sat down in the front row. When I went in to get her, the instructor...

  • Pleasure Is Mental

    15-08-31 A college professor is explaining to his class that pleasure is a mental state, and that many people overlook the things they already have. He says, A man who has developed a true sense of appreciation can enjoy a good bowel movement as much as havi...

  • A Naked Man

    15-06-23 A college professor in an anatomy class asked his students to sketch a naked man. As the professor walked around the class checking the sketches he noticed that a sexy young coed had sketched the man with an erect penis. The professor commented, Oh,...