• 红包

    22-03-22 常见的红包翻译是red envelope,压岁钱则是lucky money或gift money。 那么互联网中的电子红包就是electronic red envelope,红包大战就是red-envelope war/fight, battle of the red envelopes。 而让红包再成热潮的是微信推出的红包功能,让用户通过电子支付发红包。...

  • 英国数千座红色电话亭将得以保存

    22-01-22 英国电信监管机构表示,将保留英国各地数千座公用电话亭。在移动信号差或事故高发地区,以及在当地社区仍有需要的情况下,电话亭将可以继续使用。 The UKs first phone boxes started popping up in 1921, with the iconic red design appearing five years later. At...

  • 2021红色旅游成为越来越多人出游的选择

    22-01-04 近日,中国旅游研究院与马蜂窝自由行大数据联合实验室共同发布《中国红色旅游消费大数据报告(2021)》(以下简称《报告》)。 Red tourism has become an increasingly popular choice for travelers in 2021. The number of searches for red tourism on Mafengwo, a...

  • like a red rag to a bull 刺激挑衅

    22-01-04 英语短语 like a red rag to a bull 用来表示挑衅和刺激,故意让某人狂怒。 例句 For my quiet grandfather his teenage neighbours rocknroll-themed party was like a red rag to a bull. Dont talk to my dad about the smoking ban. Its like a red rag to a bull....

  • be red in the face 面红耳赤

    21-11-10 面红耳赤,汉语成语,字面意思是脸和耳朵都红了。形容因羞愧、激动、焦急、生气、发热、过分用力而脸色发红的样子。可以翻译为be red in the face,be flushed或ones face reddens to the ears等。 例句: 羞得面红耳赤 Blush with shame 她气得面红耳赤。 Her face fl...