• in the red 亏损

    21-10-26 想直译亏损可不容易,它实际的意思与赤字差不多,都指支出大于收入,所以可以用in the red来表示。 例句: Mr. Smiths company is in the red. 史密斯先生的公司亏损了。 A: How is your company? 你的公司怎么样? B: Unfortunately, were in the red now. 很不幸,现...

  • in the red 处于负债或亏损状态

    21-08-25 处于红色状态 in the red 意思就是你欠银行钱了。当一个人或企业的财务出现赤字,那就意味着他们处于负债或亏损状态。 例句 Because the airline had to give everyone their money back after the delays, they now say theyre operating in the red. Ive paid off mo...

  • to see red 大怒,狂怒

    21-08-13 To see red 这个短语的意思是大怒,狂怒。 例句 The teacher will see red when he finds out you havent done your homework again! Hell give you detention. My mum saw red when I came in late for dinner. I saw red and shouted when the boss complained about...

  • to roll out the red carpet 隆重热烈欢迎某人

    21-08-10 To roll out the red carpet 铺上红地毯的意思是隆重热烈欢迎某人,给与最高待遇。 例句 Tom rolled out the red carpet for his girlfriend on her birthday. He bought her a beautiful necklace and made her a Thai curry with fresh spices. When the new clients...

  • like a red rag to a bull 让人抓狂

    21-08-09 英语短语 like a red rag to a bull 用来描述某人或事情的举动或言语让他人抓狂、愤怒。 例句 My neighbours loud music after midnight really is like a red rag to a bull. Dont talk to my dad about the smoking ban. Its like a red rag to a bull. 请注意 短语...

  • red herring 掩人耳目的事物

    21-07-16 Herring 鲱鱼是一种深受欧美当地人喜欢的鱼,为了便于保存,它常被腌制或者熏成鱼条。经过处理的鲱鱼是红色的,被称为 red herring。不过在英语里,red herring 另有含义,是用来比喻那些为了让人分散注意力而提出的不相干的观点,甚至是错误的信息。这一比喻可能源于...

  • 红色旅游迎来客流高峰

    21-06-30 去革命旧址、纪念馆、烈士陵园重温入党誓词,学习党的历史,回望曾经的峥嵘岁月,感受革命的艰辛壮阔随着七一临近,红色旅游迎来客流高峰,到革命老区打卡也成为了不少年轻人的选择。 Recognized as one of the most important revolutionary bases in China, Yanan, i...

  • see red 非常生气

    21-06-04 to become very angry 非常生气;暴怒 see red源于斗牛,公牛看到红色就会发怒。因此,see red意思是怒不可遏、火冒三丈。 例句: When Jim realized that he had been duped, he started to see red. 当吉姆意识到受骗,他立即火冒三丈。...

  • 友谊的颜色

    20-12-16 Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important. The most useful. The favorite. Green said: Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for gra...

  • 快餐店标志爱用红色的主要原因

    18-05-26 McDonalds, Burger King, Jack in the Box... These fast food companies have something in common. Can you spot it? 麦当劳、汉堡王、玩偶匣汉堡店这些快餐公司有一个共同点,你注意到了吗? Well, besides all being fast food chains... Theyre all red. And its...