• 红色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 红色 red 朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau 粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom 梅红 plum;crimson;fuchsia red 玫瑰红 rose madder; rose 桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose 樱桃红 cherry; cerise 桔红 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; 石榴红 garnet 枣...

  • 为什么交通信号灯要用红黄绿这三个颜色

    16-10-16 Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means hurry up and make that damn light. Why those colors, though? Why not blue, purple, and brown? I have to admit that aside from a hunch that it had to do with wavelengths, I had no idea myself, so I dec...

  • 2016春节红包收发量创新高

    16-02-14 Chinese Internet giant Tencent saw a record high number digital red envelopes, or cash gifts, exchanged during the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday. 2016年中国春节假期期间,网民通过腾讯发送的红包(又称礼金)创历史新高。 From Feb. 7 to Feb. 12, red env...

  • digital red envelope 电子红包

    15-08-21 Tax authorities are likely to introduce new regulations on taxing individuals receiving digital red envelopes from corporations, an unnamed official source confirmed on August 4. 一位不愿透露姓名的官员8月4日表示,中国税收机构可能引入新规,对个人取得...

  • to see red 非常生气、火冒三丈

    13-12-23 Feifei: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC UK China. I'm Feifei and I'm joined today by Jen. Jennifer: Hi there, we're going to go on a day trip today - and we're going to explore how the colour red fits into London life. I've pack...

  • Cherry Tomatoes by Moonlight

    13-07-25 Cherry Tomatoes by Moonlight Kate Sontag Skintight(紧身的) virgins in a rush their red on red sashay(远足,快滑舞步) through vines, so plush(豪华的) their seeds and flesh all bite-size blush your very own stash(藏匿处) ripening in the raw, o...

  • Big Red

    13-03-08 The first time we set eyes on Big Red, father, mother and I were trudging(跋涉) through the freshly fallen snow on our way to Hubble's Hardware store on Main Street in Huntsville, Ontario. We planned to enter our name in the annual Christmas drawi...

  • 《红楼梦》英译名

    12-10-31 《红楼梦》的书名在其170多年的英文翻译历史中曾出现九种译法,但大多译为Dream of the Red Chamber(红色阁楼之梦),以及A Dream of Red Mansions(红色宅院之梦)。九大英文译本中,唯独霍克斯将其定名为 The Story of the Stone (石头记),笔者认为只有他翻译正...

  • red song chorus 唱红歌

    12-01-09 A total of 90 ministers and vice-ministers sang in a red song chorus in Beijing on Thursday to celebrate the upcoming 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. 九十名部级和副部级干部本周四在北京举办红歌合唱,庆祝即将到来的建...

  • They're all drowned 他们全都淹死了

    11-07-14 The great painter was asked, one day to paint a picture of Pharaoh crossing the Red Sea. A little while after the picture had been commenced, a hitch(故障) arose over the fee, and Hogarth found that he would have to complete the commission for abo...