• 谈薪水这件事 下

    22-08-02 9. I should require a commencing salary of 3000 yuan a month. 我需要的薪金起点是每个月3000元。 10. I should require that your company provide me with an apartment. 本人要求贵公司给我提供一套单元房。 11. My present job pays 150,000 yuan a year, in ad...

  • 谈薪水这件事 上

    22-08-02 HR也许会这么问你: 1. What kind of salary reviews or progress would you expect in this company? 你对这个公司的薪水和加薪有什么期待? 2. Why do you think youre worth that? 为什么你认为自己应该得到这一水平的薪水? 3. How do you understand a salary in a...

  • out on a limb 冒险

    22-07-04 Out on a limb 出来站到枝干上 含义: 作某种冒险,让自己处于某种困难或有风险的境地。 例句: Sam had a secure job with a high salary, but he dreamed about owning a restaurant. Last year, he went out on a limb and quit his job to open a small restaurant....

  • wage,salary,pay

    22-03-04 虽然这三个词都描述一种 收入,但它们有细微的区别。 让我们从名词 wage 开始讲解。Wage 的意思是 工钱,通常是 雇主每周付给员工的工资。Wage 原本指 非专业性工作的报酬,但这也有例外。注意,我们常常使用它的复数形式 wages。我们可以把 家中挣钱、有工资收入的人...

  • 部分个人所得税优惠政策延续实施

    22-01-04 12月29日召开的国务院常务会议,决定延续实施部分个人所得税优惠政策。 为减轻个人所得税负担(reduce the burden of individual income tax),缓解中低收入群体压力(alleviate the pressure of low- and middle-income groups),会议决定: The year-end one-off b...

  • 多义词 “figure”

    21-09-17 Figure 这个词有很多种意思和用法。我们下面就来逐一讲解。首先,来看看它作名词时的主要含义。Figure 作名词时可以指 数字符号。 Examples In English, I think its much easier to write the numbers in figures than words. (我认为在英语中,写数字要比按字母拼出...

  • wise old owl 有智慧的、生活经验丰富的人

    21-08-30 短语 wise old owl 可形容一位有智慧的、生活经验丰富的人。 例句 My English teacher was a wise old owl. He told me that I shouldnt give up on things when they dont work the first time. Mary saved 20% of her salary for her retirement. She was a wise old...

  • to squirrel something away 把东西储藏起来

    21-08-09 短语 to squirrel something away 的意思是把东西储存或藏起来以备日后使用。 例句 Joans salary is very low but a few years ago she started to squirrel money away. It took her a long time, but she finally saved enough for a deposit for a flat. Just how m...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 44

    21-03-18 The wretchedness of a scheme to Box Hill was in Emmas thoughts all the evening. How it might be considered by the rest of the party, she could not tell. They, in their different homes, and their different ways, might be looking back on it with pleas...

  • 关于薪资谈判的一些技巧

    20-10-28 1.Wait for the appropriate time. Start by being very patient. When interviewing for a new position, do your best not to bring up compensation until the employer makes you an offer. Resist throwing out the first number. If youre asked what your salar...