• run behind one's expenses 入不敷出

    20-10-22 双十一购物节(Singles Day shopping carnival)将至,不少网友已经摩拳擦掌,准备血拼一...

  • 伦敦公司员工可自定薪水 加薪需同事认可

    18-04-14 A London betting firm offers employees the chance to decide their own salary as well as being able to check what their colleagues are paid. 伦敦的一家博彩公司为员工提供了一个决定自己薪水的机会,同时也能查看同事的薪水。 Smarkets encourages their staf...

  • 几条与金钱相关的习语

    17-07-11 1. Balance the books 结账、结算 determine that accounts are in balance, bring the two sides into equilibrium, settle an account by paying what is due 确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户 The accountant says he cant balance the bo...

  • 谈加薪时避免以下几个失误

    16-07-16 If youre looking for a raise, or looking for a new job and dread the question so how much are you looking to make, youre walking into a minefield that could either result in you making a good, fair wage, or getting underpaid from the start. Here are...

  • 接受工作前应该问清的10个关键问题 上

    16-06-27 1. Is the salary negotiable? This is a question on every candidates lips, said Lee Biggins, founder and managing director of CV-Library. If you dont try, you dont get. Be prepared to back your case though as every employer is out to cut costs where...

  • jump value 跳槽价值

    16-06-05 Jump value is the monetary difference between your current salary and what potential employers are courting you with. 所谓的跳槽价值指你的当前薪资与潜在雇主招募你时承诺的薪资之间的差距。 比如,你现在每月8000元,有个公司想招你过去,承诺每个月给你1万...

  • 面试时必须回避的17个问题

    16-01-02 What does your company do? Questions like this will make you look unprepared. To avoid that, never ask anything that can easily be answered with a Google search. What will my salary be? Hold off on the money talk. Will I have to work long hours? Thi...

  • 爱沙尼亚将给作家和美术家发薪水鼓励创作

    15-11-06 Ten writers and artists in Estonia are to be paid a salary by the state for the next three years to encourage their work, it's been reported. 据报道,未来三年,爱沙尼亚政府将给十位作家和美术家发薪水来鼓励他们的创作。 The ministry of culture in the B...

  • 中国移动宣布降薪方案

    15-07-23 The annual salaries of senior management at China Mobile will be slashed by half, and other lower level management salaries will also be lowed accordingly. 中国移动高层管理人员年薪将削减一半,其他低层次管理人员的薪水也将相应下降。 The state-owned te...

  • maternity matron 月嫂

    15-05-11 High demand spurs high income. With an increasing awareness of the importance of taking care of mothers and newborns, maternity matrons see a growth in demand and income. 高需求激发出高收入。随着人们日益重视对产妇和新生婴儿的照顾,月嫂的需求量和收入...