• 操场上的42种不同语言

    21-03-09 Byron Court, a school in north-west London, gets high marks for integration. No fewer than 42 languages are spoken in the playground. The 600 pupils from places as far apart as Iraq, the Philippines, Somalia, India, Romania and Slovakia mingle and p...

  • 女生在校学习成绩更好

    21-02-27 Around the world, girls do better than boys at school. These are the findings of a recent study that looked at the test results of 1.5 million 15-year-olds in 74 regions across the globe. The level of gender equality in those regions made no differe...

  • 夏天出生的孩子

    21-02-27 夏天出生的孩子是不是由于英国入学年龄的规定而处于学习上的弱势?政府已经对很多家长提出的担心做出积极回应。 The first year of school can be stressful not for the kids, but for the parents! They want their little ones to do well at school and some pushy...

  • 午饭时间的“选择困难症”

    21-02-25 在忙碌的工作日中午休息一小段时间固然可以放松身心,然而很多人在午休前都面临一个难题到底该吃什么?由于工作紧张而繁忙,大部分上班族都会在中午吃同一类食品,其实我们最好偶尔换一换口味。 Whether at school, college or work, most of us take some sort of lun...

  • 大学生是否需要听讲座式课程?

    21-02-25 对于大学生和中小学生来说,课堂讲座是学习知识的最佳方式吗?日益更新的科学技术正引领教育人士不断改进并完善教学技巧,但这是否意味着讲座式教学和讲师授课的时代会一去不返? At some point in our lives, most of us have attended a school or university lectur...

  • 中小学生应做兼职工作吗?

    21-02-10 以前,英国中小学生在校学习期间会寻找一些简单的兼职零工,一方面给自己赚些零花钱,而更重要的是从中获取生活经验。而如今,在校期间做兼职的学生人数越来越少,这是为什么呢? When you were at school, the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your w...

  • CYP work in the new era 新时代少先队工作

    21-02-08 中共中央日前印发关于全面加强新时代少先队工作的意见。意见指出,全面加强新时代少先队工作,对于确保党和人民事业薪火相传、后继有人,具有重大而深远的意义。 The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has issued a guideline for strengthening the...

  • 教育部禁止中小学生将个人手机带入校园

    21-02-07 Primary and secondary school students will not be allowed to bring mobile phones to schools, according to the circular from the Ministry of Education (MOE). 教育部发布的通知明确,中小学生原则上不得将个人手机带入校园。 通知明确: If students do need...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 19

    21-01-21 The first of September came all too soon, and school began. Among the boys and girls who went trooping up to the East Corner knowledge-box, as they called it, was our friend Ben, with a pile of neat books under his arm. He felt very strange, and dec...

  • 教育部对教育惩戒做出规定

    20-12-31 In its first official guideline on teachers rights to discipline students, the Ministry of Education said primary and secondary school teachers have the authority to hand out punishment and clarified the kinds of punishment not allowed. 教育部第一次...