• 三个包含单词face的英语表达

    21-06-02 Face 作名词使用时的意思是 脸、面孔,但当它作动词用时,意思则变为 面对,正视,承认。怎么用英语表达 勇敢面对某事?Face the music是什么意思? 用法总结 1 Cant face it 的意思是 不想面对,受不了做某事。 School is awful at the moment! I cant face it today!...

  • dig deep 倾力出资;倾尽全力

    21-05-16 在谈论金融方面的话题时,如果有人被要求 dig deep,意思就是让这个人 尽力寻找或付出额外的努力凑够一笔钱,倾力出资。短语 dig deep 也可以用来表示 在身体或精神上竭尽全力地去做一件困难的事情。 例句 The parents were asked to dig deep and help fund a new swi...

  • meet up with 与人见面

    21-05-09 搭配 meet up with 的意思是 和某人见面、碰面。这里,介词 with 后面接要见的人。这个词组在日常生活、工作中的使用频率较高。 例句 I met up with my old school friends last week. 上周我和老同学们一起见了个面。 It was good to meet up with everyone who had w...

  • learn something by heart 牢记于心

    21-05-09 搭配 learn something by heart 用心学某事 的含义是 记住某事,即 凭记忆背下来。人们也用 learn something off by heart 表示相同的意思。 例句 She had learnt her presentation off by heart; she didnt look at her notes once! 她把这次演讲要说的话都背下来了,...

  • grow apart 渐渐疏远

    21-04-28 搭配 grow apart 形容 人之间的感情慢慢变淡,从而渐渐疏远。它多用在谈论亲友、爱人之间由于失去了共同的兴趣或话题而渐渐产生了隔阂,而不一定是由于发生争论或感情出现问题而造成的关系疏远。 例句 After secondary school, my friends and I grew apart. I started...

  • 学校应该禁止孩子带智能手机吗

    21-04-02 新学期开始之后,很多刚刚度过暑假的学生会带着智能手机重返校园。研究显示,现在有很多小学生都有自己的手机,但说到底,这种新时代的产物究竟是帮助学习和交流的绝佳工具,还是会大大分散孩子们的注意力? According to Internet Matters, around 72 per cent of chi...

  • 调查发现英国较贫困家庭儿童获得更多教育资助

    21-04-01 独立金融研究机构英国财政研究所(The Institute for Fiscal Studies)通过研究得出了这一结论:当前教育政策的目的是给参加 GCSE 、 A-Level 考试和上大学的贫困学生及家庭条件困难的学生们提供更多的教育资助。这个结论与上几代富裕家庭的孩子从教育资助中获益更多形...

  • 你几点睡觉?

    21-03-16 I loved action movies when I was a kid. And I nagged my mum to allow me to go to bed late so that I could watch the ones broadcast after the watershed. They were more interesting. She didnt want me feeling sleepy the following day but she always rel...

  • 从士兵到教师

    21-03-16 Did you have a very strict teacher at school? I did. Ill never forget Mr Grumpy. If you didnt get your geography right, you would wish to run to the end of the earth to be far away from him. That tall man with a very loud voice knew how frighten you...

  • 赖床

    21-03-13 赖床可能是很多人一天当中最幸福的时刻。 当你说I can stay in bed on weekends!,老外可能会问你What will you do when stay in bed? 原来stay in bed只是表达了在床上。那赖床应该怎么说呢? 睡懒觉 When you sleep in, you remain in bed until later than usual. T...