• 华为发布鲲鹏920服务器CPU

    19-01-07 Huawei on Monday launched the Kunpeng 920, a faster ARM-based server CPU, bringing global computing power to the next level. 本周一,华为发布了更快的基于ARM架构的鲲鹏920服务器处理器,将全球计算能力推向一个新的台阶。 The Kunpeng 920 is the industrys...

  • 惠普出售51%中国服务器业务

    15-05-25 U.S. tech giant Hewlett Packard is going to sell a 51 percent stake in its China-based server business to Tsinghua Holdings for 2.3 billion U.S. dollars. 美国科技巨头惠普将其中国服务器业务51%的股份以23亿美元出售给清华控股。 The deal creates a joint...

  • foreign server 境外服务器

    10-07-20 自打击手机和互联网淫秽色情内容专项行动开展以来,第一阶段工作已初见成效。2009年,我国共关闭或屏蔽淫秽色情网站1.5万余个。但有的些不法分子为逃避打击,将网站服务器托管到境外,利用互联网跨地域等特性,采取域名跳转等方式,向我境内传播淫秽色情信息。 请看《...

  • 谷歌揭开开源操作系统Chrome的面纱

    09-11-20 Internet search giant Google has lifted the lid on its operating system, known as Chrome OS. 互联网搜索引擎巨头谷歌揭开其旗下首款电脑操作系统Chrome OS的面纱。 Chrome OS will at first be aimed at low cost netbooks The free and open source system is i...

  • A File Server 文件服务器

    09-10-29 Many networks are managed by a computer called a file server.A file server has a large-capacity hard disk and special software that manages access to flies on the network. It controls how data and database are shared among users on the network and...

  • Microsoft recovers Sidekick data 微软成功恢复Sidekick手机丢

    09-10-16 Microsoft says it has now recovered the personal data lost when its Sidekick servers suffered an outage on 13 October. 微软称,10月13日Sidekick手机服务器瘫痪导致丢失的手机用户个人资料已经被回复。 The data loss worried those switching to cloud comput...
