• 《黑天鹅》四

    12-03-01 影片对白 Thomas: Hey. They tried to eat you alive, but here you are. You did well. Nina: Really? Thomas: Mm-hmm. Where are you going? Nina: Upper west side. Thomas: Stop at my place for a drink. It's on the way. Coach: Thomas, you need to say hello...

  • get back into the saddle 重回好莱坞

    12-02-15 Two months after putting his Hollywood return on hold following a damaging sex scandal, Arnold Schwarzenegger is ready to get back into the saddle . 因为性丑闻造成负面影响,施瓦辛格重返好莱坞的计划已经搁置了两个月,但阿诺德施瓦辛格目前已准备好重回好...

  • 女人年过四十对性生活越来越满意

    12-01-29 Women grow increasingly satisfied with their sex lives after they turn 40, a new study suggests. 一项新研究表明,女人年过四十以后对性生活越来越满意。 For some, that heightened satisfaction comes from having great sex; for others, it stems from the f...

  • 男性大脑结构可能因初夜而改变

    11-12-17 Losing your virginity really could be life-changing. Having sex apparently alters the structure of the brain in men, at least. 失去处子之身确实会改变你的人生。初尝禁果会显著地改变人的大脑结构至少对男人是如此。 A Japanese study of tiny spines(脊柱,...

  • 《恋爱假期》四

    11-11-16 影片对白 Graham: I can't imagine anyone being a bigger hit with my children. Amanda: They're really great, Graham. Graham: Sophie's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector. She's brilliant, but I hate it when she worries about me. And Olivia...

  • gender equality 性别平等

    11-11-11 The government will do more to achieve gender equality , President Hu Jintao said on the eve of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. 中国国家主席胡锦涛在国际妇女节100周年纪念日前夕表示,我国将采取更多措施促进性别平等。 文中的gender eq...

  • 万圣节加州对假释性侵犯者进行宵禁

    11-11-05 万圣节之夜,孩子们挨家挨户上演糖果或恶作剧的时候,也可能会成为一些潜在的危险人物对孩子们下手的好机会。加州管教与感化部今年就宣布一项法令,要求该州2000多名无固定住所的假释性侵犯在万圣节当晚5点至10点之间到设在各市的假释中心报到,以确保他们不会出去惹麻...

  • 印度男女比例失衡 兄弟“共妻”现象严重

    11-10-30 When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives. 若...

  • 同性恋家庭孩子诸多权利无有效保障

    11-10-29 Children growing up in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families are more likely to live in poverty and may be denied legal ties to one of their parents, a report released on Tuesday showed. 本周二发布的最新报告显示,生活在女同性恋、男同性恋、...

  • 《情人节》四

    11-08-16 影片对白 Woman: Registration for the AP exam is due next week, so don't flake . Hey, Grace. I was thinking of putting together just a little test-prep group for the class...and I was hoping I could pick your brain about what to focus on...since you'...