• 《不求回报》三

    12-06-13 精彩对白 Shira: You don't remember my name, do you? It's OK. It's Shira, and you look like you could use some coffee. Adam: Yes. Coffee's good. I got...Where are my pants? Shira: I don't know. They could be anywhere. Here's your coffee. Adam: Thank...

  • 《不求回报》二

    12-06-13 精彩对白 Adam: Hey, Philippe, it's Adam. Dad: Hi. Come in. Adam: Hey, Dad. Dad: Hey. Adam: Check it out . Dad: Vinyasa yoga and the Army Ranger workout. I combined them! Adam: Wow. That's very impressive. Dad: I'm gonna do a video, I think. Vinyasa...

  • sex slave 性奴

    12-06-11 Police in Luoyang, Henan province, have apologized over a case in which six women are alleged to have been held as sex slaves. Two of them were murdered. 河南洛阳市警方已就6名女子被囚禁做性奴一案表达歉意。6名性奴中已有2人被杀害。 上文中的sex slaves...

  • 《兔子洞》三

    12-06-06 影片对白 Nat: Hello? Becca: Hey Mom, it's me. Nat: What's wrong? Becca: Nothing. I was thinking about making Izzy's birthday cake. Would that be alright? Nat: Oh Honey, you don't need to do all that. I was just gonna grab her one of those Carvel thi...

  • 美国多地限制性侵犯者的活动范围

    12-06-05 Convicted sex offenders are barred from surfing at the famous pier in this Orange County city. In nearby Dana Point, they are prohibited from casting a fishing line in the harbor. 曾被定罪的性侵犯者将被禁止在美国橘子郡的著名码头冲浪。在附近的戴纳波...

  • 性,是一件好事

    12-06-01 Sure, sex may be fun, but it's a lot of work, and the payoff is by no means(绝不) certain. Scientists have speculated for a long time on why all living things don't simply make like amoebas and split. Now a biologist at Michigan Technological Univ...

  • 英国经济衰退致使性玩具销量大增

    12-05-14 The recession has led to a boost in the sales of sex toys as more and more couples opt for indoor fun with three-quarters of women in Britain now owning one. 经济衰退让越来越多的夫妇选择室内娱乐活动,致使性玩具的销量大增,如今英国四分之三的女性都拥...

  • 美国特工和军人爆出性丑闻

    12-04-21 Defense chiefs are embarrassed over a sex scandal involving Secret Service agents and military service members as it distracted from President Barack Obama's visit to Colombia, the US military's top officer said. 美军高级官员称,国防部领导人对奥巴马...

  • 西班牙妓女举行“性罢工”

    12-03-31 Spain's high-class escorts are refusing to have sex with the nation's bankers - until they open up credit lines to cash-strapped families and firms. 西班牙高级妓女日前掀起性罢工,拒绝为该国银行家提供服务,直到他们为陷入经济困境的家庭和公司提供更多贷...

  • 跗骨信息可用于鉴别性别

    12-03-01 Law enforcement officials who are tasked with identifying a body based on partial skeletal remains have a new tool at their disposal. A new paper from North Carolina State University researchers details how to determine the biological sex of skeleta...