• return to one's muttons 言归正传

    22-08-18 这则习语的来源有两种说法,一种认为return to ones mutton原是直译自法国田园诗中的一句: 多情的男女牧羊人在牧场上谈情说爱、海阔天空,最终还得回到现实,回到自己的羊群中来。另一种说法是出自14世纪的法国喜剧《巴德林律师》(LAvocat Pathelin)。有个毛料商指控牧...

  • a wolf in sheep's clothing 一只披着羊皮的狼

    21-07-12 我们用披着羊皮的狼形容那些表面上看着非常和蔼可亲,但实际上心存坏意、不能信任、需要谨慎提防的人。它相对应的英语表达就是a wolf in sheeps clothing。请大家注意,在这个表达里披着羊皮被译为了in sheeps clothing,而不是in sheeps skin。 例句 Laura couldnt st...

  • the black sheep of the family 败家子,害群之马

    21-01-30 表达 the black sheep of the family 指 家中声名狼藉的成员,也就是汉语里说的 败家子,害群之马。如果某人被称作 the black sheep of the family,这个人则可能做过错误的决定或与其家庭成员格格不入。这个表达也可以缩写为 the black sheep。 例句 My brother is th...

  • 滩羊养殖助宁夏农民脱贫致富

    17-05-26 At the welcoming dinner of last years G20 Hangzhou Summit, a cold dish made of lamb was appreciated by the world leaders for its delicious taste and tender texture. 去年杭州G20峰会欢迎晚宴上,一盘羔羊肉凉菜因味美可口肉质细嫩获得世界各地领导人的好评...

  • 克隆羊可以活得健康长久

    16-07-27 Three weeks after the scientific world marked the 20th anniversary of the birth of Dolly the sheep new research, published by The University of Nottingham, in the academic journal Nature Communications has shown that four clones derived from the sam...

  • 小王子 Chapter 7

    16-07-11 On the fifth day-- again, as always, it was thanks to the sheep-- the secret of the little princes life was revealed to me. Abruptly, without anything to lead up to it, and as if the question had been born of long and silent meditation on his proble...

  • 英国警方给“未成年”受害绵羊打马赛克引热议

    16-05-17 Social media sites have been rammed with confusion after police released blurred images of victims of crime - who happened to be sheep. 英国警方公布了一组打了马赛克的犯罪受害者照片,大家在社交网站上纷纷表示疑惑不解,因为受害者居然是绵羊。 The lambs...

  • 苏格兰常用词

    16-02-14 highland cow 高山牛 Loch Ness Monster(Nessie) 尼斯湖水怪 Loch Ness 尼斯湖 heather 石南花 sheep 羊 fly-fishing 飞钓 Scottish terrier 苏格兰梗犬 castle 城堡 bagpiper 风笛手 kit 装备 village 村庄 bagpipe 风笛 sporran(苏格兰)毛皮袋 tartan (苏格兰)格...