• shoulder responsibilities alone 独当一面

    22-08-24 独当一面,汉语成语,意思是单独承当一方面的工作或使命。可以翻译为be on ones own,shoulder responsibilities alone等。 例句: 她吃苦耐劳,能独当一面。 She is a willing worker and able to shoulder responsibilities alone....

  • a shoulder to cry on 可倾诉的对象

    21-07-15 中文里我们会说:能借你的肩膀用一下吗?这是口语会话中向对方寻求安慰的一个常见说法。 而在英文里,a shoulder to cry on 可以依偎着哭泣的肩膀的含义和上面提到的说法相近,意思是愿意倾听苦衷、提供慰藉的人。 例句 Just so you know - if you ever need a shoulde...

  • cold shoulder 闭门羹

    20-12-21 闭门羹,中文俗语,意思是被摒拒在门外、被拒绝。常用来形容遭到冷遇或碰壁。可以翻译为cold shoulder,give the cold shoulder,表示reject or be deliberately unfriendly,也可以用slam the door in somebodys face。 例句: 接下来这两名男子同样也给他吃了闭门羹...

  • 进化之于人类肩膀的负担

    15-09-09 As early humans increasingly left forests and utilized tools, they took an evolutionary step away from apes. But what this last common ancestor with apes looked like has remained unclear. A new study led by researchers at UC San Francisco shows that...

  • Destiny Plays

    14-09-26 Both are convinced that a sudden surge of emotion bound them together. Beautiful is such a certainty, but uncertainty is more beautiful. Because they didn't know each other earlier, they suppose that nothing was happening between them. What of the s...

  • Tongue and Groove

    11-11-16 Tongue and Groove Dave Smith Forms a lock. But how does it begin in this world? The twig(嫩枝) falls, snaring(捕捉) another, and another, a storm's blackness gathers and sends its will scudding down and over the quiet niches of the forest, where...

  • 研究:过度发短信可导致肩颈疼痛

    09-11-11 The world record for fastest text message typing is held by a 21-year old college student from Utah, but his dexterous(灵巧的) digits could mean serious injury later on. Most adults aged 18-21 prefer texting over e-mail or phone calls, and ergonom...
