• 雪铁龙研发防晕车眼镜

    18-07-27 French car maker Citron recently unveiled a pair of glassless, liquid-filled eye-glasses that can reportedly treat the symptoms of motion sickness. 法国汽车制造商雪铁龙近日推出了一款没有镜片、镜框装有液体的眼镜,据称能治疗晕车症状。 Called Seetron,...

  • princess sickness 公主病

    16-04-29 Princess sickness (or princess syndrome; princess disease) is a term to describe a psychological phenomenon affecting young women, especially teenagers, and can be characterized by numerous physiological disorders, including narcissistic personality...

  • Hurry sickness 匆忙症

    12-08-02 Hurry sickness is a malaise where a person feels chronically short of time, and so tends to perform every task faster and to get flustered when encountering any kind of delay. 匆忙症是一种老是感觉时间不够,做每件事都很快,遇到任何耽搁就会心慌的病症...

  • 摆式火车上如何避免晕车

    11-08-05 An international team of researchers led by scientists at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that motion sickness on tilting trains can be essentially eliminated by adjusting the timing of when the cars tilt as they enter and leave the curves...

  • 晕动病在虚拟世界同样存在

    10-12-21 Clemson University psychologist Eric Muth sees motion sickness as potential fallout(原子尘) from high-end technology that once was limited to the commercial marketplace moving to consumer use in gaming devices. Microsoft's Kinect is the latest exa...

  • 高海拔山区居民生存 DNA或为关键

    10-05-14 The ability of Tibetans to live on the roof of the world may be down to their DNA, US researchers say. 美国研究人员称,西藏人能够生活在世界屋脊之上可能由于他们的DNA所致。 Tibetans function normally at high altitude University of Utah researchers fou...

  • 放假就得“休闲病” leisure sickness

    09-07-29 工作压力太大、生活节奏太紧张的时候,大家都会渴望假期。可是,等假期真正到来的时候,想睡懒觉却睡不着了,什么活都不干却落得腰酸背疼,看到垂涎已久的美食也兴奋不起来。这到底是怎么了?难道是得了leisure sickness(休闲病)? Leisure sickness has been identi...
