• without a stop 马不停蹄

    22-11-26 马不停蹄,汉语成语,字面意思是马不停止地急促向前跑,比喻不间断地进行。可以翻译为without a stop,without a single halt,continuously等。 例句: 部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地。 The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt....

  • 单身久了 内心独白据说会变成这样

    22-06-07 1. I am more than positive Ill die alone. 我几乎可以确信我要孤独终老了。 2. Wait, I cant tell if hes flirting or just being friendly. 哎?他这是对我有好感么,还是只是表示友好而已。 3. Should I text my ex? 要不要给前任发个短信? 4. If need be, Ill ma...

  • just a few words 只言片语

    22-06-06 只言片语,汉语成语,个别的词句和片段的话语。可以翻译为just a few words,a word or two或a single sentence等。 例句: 我无意中听到他们谈话的只言片语。 I overheard a fragment of their conversation. 她什么都读,新闻中的任何只言片语都要一一揣摩。 She rea...

  • 这些话不要轻易对单身人士说 上

    22-04-28 1. How are you still single? Youre so great. 你怎么还单着?你这么优秀。 2. Itll happen when you least expect it. 爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候。 3. Dont you ever get lonely? 你从没有感到过孤单吗? 4. Arent you worried you wont be able to have kids?...

  • 不要轻易对身边的单身人士说这些话

    22-04-01 1. Why are you still single? Youre so great. 你怎么还单着?你这么优秀。 2. Itll happen when you least expect it. 爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候。 3. Dont you ever get lonely? 你从没有感到过孤单吗? 4. Arent you worried you wont be able to have kids?...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 10 Interrogations

    22-01-21 It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that wassure last night was a dream. Logic wasnt on my side, or common sense. Iclung to the parts I couldnt have imagined like his smell. I was sureI could never have dreamed that up on...

  • without a single halt 马不停蹄

    21-10-28 马不停蹄,汉语成语,马不停止地急促向前跑(the horse never stops running),比喻不间断地行进。可以翻译为without a single halt,nonstop。 例句: 部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地。 The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt....

  • customary marriage 风俗婚姻

    21-06-24 在生活中,我们会填到各种各样的表格,特别是出国签证的时候,会用英文填写,其中有一个必填项是婚姻状态(Marital Status)。 一个人的婚姻状态有很多种情况,先了解一下: 1.single: adj.单身 2.married: adj.已婚 3.separated: adj.分居 4.divorced: adj.离异 5.wid...

  • 中国科学家绘制世界首张单细胞地图集

    18-02-24 Chinese scientists have mapped the worlds first single-cell mouse cell atlas (scMCA). 中国科学家绘制出世界首张老鼠单细胞地图集。 The research, by a team from Zhejiang University, was published Friday in the Cell journal. Evaluation experts from the...