• 《恐龙当家》第14章

    22-11-09 Arlo gulped. Rustlers? he asked. Butch walked further ahead and found a dead longhorn in the tumbleweed. We gotta move, said Butch. Hya! The T-rexes took off, running swiftly and quietly. Spot and Arlo followed as they tracked the prints until they...

  • be pale before 小巫见大巫

    22-03-23 小巫见大巫,汉语成语,意思是小巫法术小,大巫法术大,小巫的法术在大巫面前显得微不足道(a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one -- pale into insignificance by comparison)。后比喻能力高低相差悬殊,相形见绌(appear insignificant when compared w...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 21

    21-11-29 A moments glance was enough to satisfy Catherine that her apartment was very unlike the one which Henry had endeavoured to alarm her by the description of. It was by no means unreasonably large, and contained neither tapestry nor velvet. The walls w...

  • good things come in small packages 好东西不在个大

    21-07-19 Good things come in small packages 好东西不在个大是一个常用表达。人们常用这个说法来表示不能光从外表来判断一样东西的好坏或价值的高低,就像大盒子里可以装满便宜的毛巾,可是一个小小的盒子里却能放价值连城的金银珠宝。这句话也可以用来称赞身材娇小的人,虽然...

  • not worth mentioning 微不足道

    21-03-13 微不足道,汉语成语,意思是意义、价值等小得不值得一提。可以翻译为not worth mentioning,insignificant。微不足道的人或物可以翻译为small potatoes,指a tiny, trifling, or inconsequential person, thing, or amount (of something)。 例句: 他们是大人物,我们...

  • 我的奥斯卡金像奖呢?

    21-03-07 Have you ever dreamt of being in the movies? Maybe youre a bit of a thespian? But what if you dont have matinee-idol looks? Well, if youre creative and write well you could make your mark in Hollywood as a screenwriter instead. Tony Gilroy is one of...

  • 我要熬夜工作、学习

    20-11-26 1. Im burning the midnight oil. 我在熬夜加班工作。 Burn the midnight oil 烧午夜的灯油 这个表达很形象,形容人挑灯熬夜的样子。 2. Ill have to pull an all-nighter. 我得熬通宵了。熬通宵的英语说法是to pull an all-nighter。 3. Im working till the small ho...

  • Small dining table 小饭桌

    17-05-26 Small dining table (xiao fan zhuo in Chinese) is a commonly accepted name for lunch services provided by schools, communities or private homes for primary and middle school students who live far away from schools or whose parents are too busy to pre...

  • little的替换词

    16-06-16 small 小的 tiny 极小的,微小的 petite 娇小的 miniature 小型的 teeny 极小的 mini 袖珍的,微型的 minuscule 非常小的 minute 微小的,微不足道的 microscopic 微小的 skimpy 不足的(数量或大小),(衣服)小而暴露的 wee 极小的...