• 害羞的英语表达 下

    22-04-08 5、timid 羞怯的;胆小的,胆怯的 英语释义:shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened Kieran is a timid child. 露西是个非常羞怯的孩子。 6、sheepish 羞怯的;局促不安的;驯服的;胆怯的 She had a rather sheepish smile. 她笑起来很害羞的...

  • 害羞的英语表达 上

    22-04-08 1、shy 害羞的,羞怯的 英语释义:nervous and uncomfortable with other people Children are often shy of/with people they dont know. 孩子们和不认识的人在一起时常常会害羞。 Music drew the shy girl out of her shell. 音乐吸引那个害羞的姑娘走出了深闺。 【...

  • “害羞”的英语表达 下

    22-04-06 5、timid 羞怯的;胆小的,胆怯的 英语释义:shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened Kieran is a timid child. 露西是个非常羞怯的孩子。 6、sheepish 羞怯的;局促不安的;驯服的;胆怯的 She had a rather sheepish smile. 她笑起来很害羞的...

  • fake 矫情、做作

    22-03-01 fake out在美国口语里表示:①用欺骗(或讹诈手段)胜过某人;②(在比赛中)用假动作迷惑对手。 fake作形容词可以形容矫情、做作: a fake smile/laugh 虚情假意的微笑/大笑 Shes so fake, pretending to be everybodys friend. 她太矫揉造作了,假装每个人都是她的朋友...

  • 我早就说了嘛

    21-10-24 Those 4 words never sounded so good 我从未觉得这几个字如此动听 til the June morning 直到一个六月的早晨 in my moms hospital room. 在母亲的病房里 It began when my mother was admitted to the hospital 事情的开始是这样的,我母亲要住院 for a really bad in...

  • What Is A Youth

    21-06-17 What Is A Youth By Eugene Walter What is a youth? Impetuous fire 少年为何?熊熊的火焰, What is a maid? Ice and desire 少女为何?冰雪与欲望, The world wags on 随着世事推移 A rose will bloom, it then will fade 蔷薇会绽放,随即又凋零, So does a yout...

  • 5月8日 世界微笑日

    21-05-08 科学研究表明,我们一出生就会微笑。不经意间露出笑容时,我们在想些什么?虽然刚出生时还没有复杂的意识,但一个浅浅的微笑,仿佛已将我们和世间美好联系在一起。 在这个万物欣欣向荣的日子里,我们迎来了让人心情倍儿棒的世界微笑日(World Smile Day)。世界微笑日...

  • 10个好用又好看的拍照姿势

    21-04-26 1. The Leaning 斜靠 Lean against a wall, or a railing. Its a great pose if you happen to see a nice wall with interesting textures or bright colors. 背靠或者斜靠着墙,栏杆也不错。如果见到一堵纹理或颜色很有趣的墙,这个姿势的效果会很好。 2. Turn Back...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 45

    21-03-18 Emmas pensive meditations, as she walked home, were not interrupted; but on entering the parlour, she found those who must rouse her. Mr. Knightley and Harriet had arrived during her absence, and were sitting with her father.--Mr. Knightley immediat...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 34

    21-03-18 Every body in and about Highbury who had ever visited Mr. Elton, was disposed to pay him attention on his marriage. Dinner-parties and evening-parties were made for him and his lady; and invitations flowed in so fast that she had soon the pleasure o...