• 《怪兽大学》第5章

    23-01-18 The next day, Mike woke up bright and early. It was the first day of school! As campus bells rang out the hour, the students scurried to their classes. Mike and Randy eagerly approached the School of Scaring, went up the steps, and entered a large r...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第4章

    22-12-21 Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!Alice screamed as she tumbled through a brilliantly colored sky. The ground was rushing toward her at an alarming rate, and unlike during her tumble down the rabbit hole, there were no objects to slow her descent. Oof! Alice landed...

  • beam with joy 笑逐颜开

    22-10-28 笑逐颜开,汉语成语,意思是笑得使面容舒展开来;形容满面笑容,非常高兴的样子。可以翻译为beam with joy/smiles/delight等。 例句: 不由得笑逐颜开 Cant restrain a smile of joy...

  • 搭讪用语和反搭讪用语

    22-08-15 似曾相识:拉近和对方的距离。 You look like someone I know. 你跟我一个朋友长得好像。 Havent we met before? 我们之前见过吧? 完全不在状态,没心思理你。 Get out of here! 滚远一点。(这个一定惹恼了的。) Leave me alone! 离我远一点!(同上,看不出我现...

  • 一些搭讪话

    22-08-02 Sorry can I use your phone? I need to call heaven and tell them an angel is missing. 抱歉,我可以用下你的电话吗?我要给上帝打个电话,告诉他们有个天使弄丢了。 Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile. 你是照相机吗?为什么每次看到你...

  • wipe the smile off 让某人笑不出来

    22-06-22 Wipe the smile off/from someones face 指的是让某人笑不出来,尤其是那些自以为很聪明而惹人厌的人: 例句: I know the other team cheated, they were off side all day, I would love to wipe the smile from their faces but will have to wait until the next t...

  • force a smile 在不想微笑的情况下微笑

    22-06-22 Force a smile指的是在你不想微笑的情况下微笑: 例句: Even though I didnt want to be there, I managed to force a smile for the cameras. 虽然我并不想在那儿,我还是为了镜头强迫自己露出笑容。 Smile from ear to ear 指的是很快乐很满足的大笑,有眉开眼笑的...

  • crack a smile 微笑或露齿一笑

    22-06-22 Crack a smile指的是微笑或露齿一笑: 例句: They were a tough class to teach, I told my best jokes and no one even cracked a smile. 他们真是很难教的一个班级。我讲了我最棒的笑话,居然没有一个人笑。 Crack a smile还可以用来表示在感觉不想微笑的时候挤出一...

  • 态度上的冷

    22-06-07 1. glacial: 冷若冰霜的;冷冰冰的;冷淡的 She gave me a glacial smile/stare. 她向我微微冷笑了一下/冷冷地瞪了我一眼。 2. icily: 冷冰冰地 She stared icily at us. 她冷冷地看着我们。 3. frigidly: 冷淡地 Sarah shook his hand frigidly. 萨拉冷冷地和他握了...

  • 相对固定的量词搭配——抽象事物

    22-05-26 a flood of words 口若悬河 a wisp of a smile 一丝微笑 a burst of laughter 一阵笑声 a flood of tears 泪如泉涌 a train of thoughts 一连串的想法 a piece of information 一条消息 a glimmer of hope 一线希望 a network of railroad 铁路网 a flood of people 人...