• 日本公司推出“无泪洋葱”

    16-08-08 Onions may be one of the healthiest, most flavorful vegetables on the face of the Earth, but theyre definitely no fun to chop. However, your days of getting teary-eyed in the kitchen may be coming to an end as Japanese company House Foods Group prep...

  • Man Is Here For The Sake of Other Men

    16-06-10 Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know that man is here for the sake of othe...

  • 身体内住着一个成熟灵魂的24个迹象

    16-05-04 1. Youd rather spend the night in your bed then out with your friends. 2. Youre annoyed by all of the annoying teenagers who play their music way too loud. Whats the point in even wearing headphones? 3. Baking brings you great joy. 4. Youve secretly...

  • Staring Me In The Face <4>

    16-04-21 Love it. Me too. Settled then? he asked and smiled his soft smile. It didnt surprise me that I nodded. After the reading and the curry dinner, I went into Malcolms sitting room where there were more books than Id ever seen on anyones shelves. I bega...

  • 女性对哪些来自男性的话最反感 上

    16-03-12 Are you wearing that? If you're taking me out somewhere, and you see me with clothes on, then yes, I'm wearing that. This is not a hologram outfit under which I'm actually naked and about to get dressed in something you won't passive-aggressively te...

  • The wisdom of life

    16-02-24 I've learned that sometimes all a person need is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. I've learned that the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can? I've learned that love, not time, heals all wounds. I've learned that every...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 18

    16-02-18 About noon next day, when the Dodger and Master Bates had gone out to pursue their customary avocations, Mr. Fagin took the opportunity of reading Oliver a long lecture on the crying sin of ingratitude; of which he clearly demonstrated he had been g...

  • 12个方法让你变得对异性更有吸引力 上

    16-01-21 Keep those teeth pearly white. A study confirmed that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth make people seem more attractive. The study, from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire, found that teeth are the human eq...

  • Hanover Square

    16-01-13 Can it really be sixty-two years ago that I first saw you? It is truly a lifetime, I know. But as I gaze into your eyes now, it seems like only yesterday that I first saw you, in that small caf in Hanover Square. From the moment I saw you smile, as...

  • ecstatic shock 触电的感觉

    15-08-26 Ecstatic shock is the surge of energy upon catching a glance from someone you like -- a thrill that starts in your stomach, arcs up through your lungs and flashes into a spontaneous smile -- which scrambles your ungrounded circuits and tempts you to...