• give up 停止做一件事

    21-04-25 动词搭配 give up 的基本意思是 放弃,停止做某事,后面可接名词,即 give up something;也可以接现在分词,即 give up doing something,意思也是 停止做某事。 在谈论改掉不良习惯的语境中,give up 还有 戒掉... 的含义。比如,to give up smoking 戒烟。 例句 Thi...

  • 明智的当代年轻人

    21-02-08 这样的情景已经屡见不鲜:老一辈的人表示自己难以理解下一代人的行为和观念。但有研究表明,新一代年轻人的行为其实要比上一辈更加明智。这具体指的是年轻人的哪些行为呢?造成这一趋势的原因可能有哪些? Kids these days, eh? Three simple words that try to summar...

  • 吸烟与健康

    20-03-18 What is smoking? no smoking signSmoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. It is a habit which consists of breathing in a smoke from a burned substance. This substance contains the active alkaloid nicotine which is absorbed in...

  • 泰国在家中吸烟将被视作家暴罪

    19-08-22 Smoking in your own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime, if the smoke is considered harmful to other people in the house. 在泰国,如果你在家中吸烟且被认为对其他人有害,今后将被视为犯罪。 The new law, Family Protection and Development Prom...

  • 王府井吸烟区遭批判

    19-01-08 A large, open air smoking area located in Beijings Wangfujing pedestrian walking street is being accused of violating local smoking control regulations, reports chinanews.com. 中心网报道,北京王府井行人步行街上一大块露天吸烟区被指责违反禁烟法规。 Th...

  • 研究:发短信有助戒烟

    18-12-21 A study by Chinese researchers shows that texting could help smokers quit smoking. 中国研究人员的一项研究显示,发短信可以帮助烟民戒烟。 The study published in the journal PLOS Medicine on Tuesday showed that among smokers who received a 12-week-long...

  • 西安某高校禁烟表情包报引关注

    18-12-04 A college in Xian has been gaining a lot of attention on social media in China for posting signs with amusing slogans to discourage students from smoking. 西安某高校张贴阻止学生吸烟的搞笑海报在社交媒体上引起大量关注。 The anti-smoking signs posted a...

  • 中国专家呼吁管控电子烟

    18-08-02 Experts in China are calling for the control of electronic cigarettes, as the public lacks awareness of the potential health effects of vaping, reports thepaper.cn. 中国的专家们呼吁对电子烟进行控制,因为公众对电子烟潜在的健康威胁缺乏认知。 Invented...

  • 北京烟民数量已下降20万

    18-06-07 The number of smokers in Beijing has dropped by about 200,000, three years after the city adopted its strictest tobacco control regulation, the municipal health authority said Wednesday. 北京市卫生局周三表示,北京实行最严格的禁烟规定已经三年,烟民数...

  • 全球每年300万人死于吸烟引起的心血管疾病

    18-06-03 Fewer people are smoking worldwide, especially women, but only one country in eight is on track to meet a target of reducing tobacco use significantly by 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday. 世界卫生组织本周四表示,全球吸烟人...