• 惠灵顿城市街道吸烟即视图

    14-04-08 The visibility of smoking in city streets has for the first time anywhere been mapped, in new research from the University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand. The research found that up to 116 smokers outside bars/cafs could be seen from any one loca...

  • 吸二手烟有损儿童的动脉

    14-03-05 Passive smoking causes lasting damage to children's arteries, prematurely ageing their blood vessels by more than three years, say researchers. 研究人员称,吸二手烟会对儿童的动脉造成持续伤害,使他们的血管老化三年以上。 The damage - thickening of blo...

  • 戒烟可能改善心理健康状况

    14-02-14 Health professionals who treat people with psychiatric problems often overlook their patients' smoking habits, assuming it's best to tackle depression, anxiety or substance abuse problems first. However, new research at Washington University School...

  • 尼日利亚首都拉各斯将实行禁烟令

    14-01-22 MPs in Lagos state, Nigeria's economic hub, have passed a bill banning smoking in public places, including restaurants and on public transport. 尼日利亚拉各斯州议会通过了在公共场所禁烟的法案,包括宾馆和公共交通场所。 Those who ignore the ban could f...

  • 美国的反吸烟措施让800万人受益

    14-01-09 A Yale study estimates that 8 million lives have been saved in the United States as a result of anti-smoking measures that began 50 years ago this month with the groundbreaking report from the Surgeon General outlining the deadly consequences of tob...

  • 多伦多市长吸毒和酗酒问题相继曝光

    13-11-17 Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, under pressure to quit after admitting he smoked crack cocaine and had a drink problem, could enter rehab, his lawyer says. 加拿大多伦多市市长罗布福特最近丑闻缠身,吸毒和酗酒问题相继曝光,福特面临巨大的辞职压力,其律师丹尼斯...

  • 蛋白质ASCL1可作为烟民肺癌的生物标记

    13-09-22 Mayo Clinic researchers have shown that a specific protein pair may be a successful prognostic(预兆) biomarker for identifying smoking-related lung cancers. The protein -- ASCL1 -- is associated with increased expression of the RET oncogene, a par...

  • 对青少年禁烟可减少成年人吸烟率

    13-06-16 States that want to reduce rates of adult smoking may consider implementing stringent(严厉的) tobacco restrictions on teens, suggests a new study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The researchers discovered t...

  • 苏格兰孕妇吸烟率高达20%

    13-06-11 More pregnant woman are trying to give up smoking, according to the Scottish government. 据英国BBC6月2日报道:苏格兰公共医疗机构预计,几乎有20%的女性在妊娠期间继续吸烟。 Official figures suggested the number of quit attempts rose last year by about...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 17

    13-03-15 Good Bargains It was a rainy Sunday afternoon, and four boys were trying to spend it quietly in the liberry, as Jamie called the room devoted to books and boys, at Aunt Jessie's. Will and Geordie were sprawling on the sofa, deep in the adventures of...