• civil society 民间组织

    13-09-26 The government will encourage civil societies to play a greater role by simplifying registration while beefing up supervision, Civil Affairs Minister Li Liguo said on Wednesday. 民政部部长李立国本周三表示,政府将简化注册手续、加强强监督力度、鼓励社...

  • 书籍用词反映人们变自私

    13-08-11 加州大学洛杉矶分校的心理学教授帕特丽夏格林菲尔德最近进行了一项研究,发现在过去的两个世纪里,随着物质财富的增加和城市化进程,人们却变得更加自私了。格林菲尔德教授分析了从1800年到2000年出版的150万本英美书籍中的用词,发现像选择、获得这种词的使用量增加,...

  • On Etiquette

    13-04-16 Etiquette to society is what apparel(服装,衣服) is to the individual. Without apparel men would go in shameful nudity which would surely lead to the corruption of morals; and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable state and the necessar...

  • 李克强答记者问精彩语录

    13-03-24 We need to leave to the market and society what they can do well. The government needs to manage well the matters that fall under its supervision. 市场能办的,多放给市...

  • 有一种幸福

    13-01-08 After stepping into society, I have deeply learnt a wealth of things. Some people say that society is the best school, which I think is considerably reasonable. Since 2005 when I walked out of my campus, I have learnt what I could never in school. N...

  • NIMBY 邻避效应

    12-12-28 NIMBY or Nimby is an acronym for the phrase not in my backyard. The term is used pejoratively to describe opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development close to them, developments that are generally needed in the society. Opposing resi...

  • 美高中毕业辞“你并不特别”惹争议

    12-06-16 Social media was buzzing about a Boston-area high school teacher's blunt commencement speech that told students they are not special. 社交网站上正在热议美国波斯顿一所高中的毕业致辞,致辞的老师很直白地告诉学生说他们并不特别。 Wellesley High English t...

  • 韩国结婚需要近20万美元

    12-05-05 The Beatles may have sung all you need is love, but in South Korea a couple wanting to get married also needs cash, a lot of it - nearly $200,000, or more than four times the average annual income. 甲壳虫乐队虽然高唱 你需要的只是爱,但在韩国,想结婚...

  • 愚人节恶作剧日渐消亡

    12-04-07 No joke: Researchers say we are moving away from personal, real-world pranks and into a world of media-driven jokes and Internet tomfoolery. Does this spell the end of April Fools' Day as we know it? 绝非儿戏:研究人员表示,我们与切身的、现实生活的...

  • 众多经济危机词汇被收录

    10-10-30 Funemployment, PIIGS and broken society have all made their way into the Collins English Dictionary, reflecting the dominance of the economic downturn in last year's consciousness. 失业乐活(Funemployment)、欧猪五国(PIIGS) 和破裂社会(broken soci...