• 软硬件共同保护操作系统安全

    11-01-27 The operating system (OS) is the backbone of your computer. If the OS is compromised(妥协,连累) , attackers can take over your computer or crash it. Now researchers at North Carolina State University have developed an efficient system that utiliz...

  • 2011年度最佳职业 软件工程师

    11-01-08 The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Wednesday. 根据本周三发布的2011年度最佳和最差职业调查,软件工程师获评最佳职业,而...

  • 以色列研发出手机辐射监测软件

    10-09-11 Israeli start-up firm Tawkon has developed software to measure mobile telephone handset radiation aimed at helping users reduce exposure to emissions without giving up their phones. 以色列新兴企业陶肯公司最新研发出一款手机辐射监测软件,使用户既不需...

  • Win 7相助 微软获利45.2亿

    10-07-23 Microsoft has reported profits of $4.52bn (2.96bn) for the three months between April and June - up 48% on the same period last year. 本年度四月至六月,微软获利45.2亿美元,同比增长48%。 Windows 7 has sold well since its launch last year The software...

  • 假冒反病毒软件威胁网络安全

    10-04-29 Fake anti-virus software that infect PCs with malicious code are a growing threat, according to a study by Google. Google的一项调查显示,假冒反病毒软件可使电脑感染恶意代码,成为一个日益增长的威胁。 Fake anti virus is often distributed through advert...

  • Win 7帮助微软盈利35%

    10-04-23 Microsoft saw its profits leap by 35% in the first three months of 2010 - as its Windows 7 operating system continued to prove popular. 2010年第一季度微软盈利高达35%,其Windows 7操作系统深受欢迎。 Microsoft launched Windows 7 in October last year Th...

  • 苹果对代码软件进行压制

    10-04-14 Apple has clamped down on the software tools that developers can use to write programs for the iPhone. 苹果已开始对某些软件进行反击,据悉开发人员可以利用这些软件给iPhone写程序。 Apple has previewed changes to its iPhone operating software Before now...

  • 可“自行设计实验”的海洋机器人投入使用

    10-02-25 Scientists in the US are using an underwater vehicle that can plan its own experiments on the seafloor. 美国科学家使用一种新型的、可自行设计实验的水下机器人在海底进行科学研究。 It goes, it comes back, the data is downloaded The Gulper AUV is program...

  • 在线游戏玩家面临更多恶意攻击

    09-11-03 Players of online games are increasingly becoming the target of virus writers, reveals research. 研究显示,在线游戏玩家逐渐成为黑客的攻击目标。 Games are increasingly a target for hi-tech criminals More and more malicious programs(恶意程序) are be...

  • 数百万人被“恐吓软件”愚弄

    09-10-19 Online criminals are making millions of pounds by convincing computer users to download fake anti-virus software, internet security experts have claimed. 网络安全专家称,线上罪犯通过诱骗电脑用户下载假冒反病毒软件而获利数百万英镑。 The scam is diffic...