• 青海两座太阳能发电厂开始运营

    18-12-30 Two solar power bases in northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, with a total installed power generating capacity of 1 GW, were launched and connected to the grid Saturday. 青海省两座太阳能发电厂周六与国家电网并网,总装机功率发电量十亿瓦。 Each of the tw...

  • 中国首座100兆瓦太阳能发电厂与国家电网并网

    18-12-28 Chinas first 100-megawatt solar-thermal power plant successfully connected to the national grid on Thursday. 中国首座100兆瓦太阳能热力发电厂周四与国家电网成功并网。 The plant in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province is powered by 12,000 mirrors that concent...

  • 美国宇航局将向太阳发射探测器

    18-08-09 A red-hot voyage to the sun is about to bring us closer to the star than ever before. 一艘飞向太阳的航天器将让我们前所未有地靠近这颗恒星。 NASAs Parker Solar Probe will hurtle through the sizzling solar atmosphere and come within just 3.8 million mi...

  • 专家:云南陨石的历史比太阳还古老

    18-06-13 Experts have determined that a meteor that landed in southwest Chinas Yunnan Province is as old as the solar system, reports Yunnan.cn. 云南网报道,专家判定坠落在云南的一块陨石其历史与太阳系一样古老。 Xu Weibiao, chief scientist at the Purple Mounta...

  • 中国太阳能飞行器彩虹号成功在近太空飞行

    17-06-14 Chinas Caihong (CH), or Rainbow, solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the countrys first near-space solar drone, has successfully conducted a flight at an altitude of 20 km. 中国首台近太空无人机、太阳能飞行器彩虹号,成功在海拔20公里的天空飞...

  • 金砖国家新开发银行签署首笔贷款协议

    16-12-22 The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) on Wednesday signed its first loan agreement, providing a 525 million yuan (75 million U.S. dollars) loan for a solar project in China. 金砖国家新开发银行本周三签署其首笔贷款协议,将向中国一项太阳能计划提供5.25亿...

  • 阳光动力2号成功在开罗降落

    16-07-14 A plane powered solely by the sun landed in Cairo in the early hours of Wednesday, successfully completing the 16th leg of its round-the-world journey. 一架完全由太阳能供电的飞机阳光动力2号周三早些时候降落在开罗,成功完成其环球航行的第16站。 Solar I...

  • 太阳黑子消失 地球可能迎来迷你冰期

    16-07-05 The sun has gone completely blank for the second time this month suggesting that Earth could be heading for a mini ICE AGE. 本月已经第二次出现太阳黑子完全消失,这预示着地球可能迎来迷你冰期。 Earlier this month, there were no sunspots on the massive...

  • 太空气象风暴易引发范艾伦辐射带

    16-06-21 Earths magnetosphere, the region of space dominated by Earths magnetic field, protects our planet from the harsh battering of the solar wind. Like a protective shield, the magnetosphere absorbs and deflects plasma from the solar wind which originate...

  • 新一代高效太阳能电池

    16-06-16 Researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Exeter are one step closer to developing a new generation of low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells. The structure is one of the worlds first examples of a tri-layer metasurface absorber using a carbon...