• be soul-stirring 惊心动魄

    22-07-22 惊心动魄,汉语成语,原指文辞优美,意境深远,使人感受极深,震动极大。现在常形容使人惊骇、紧张到极点。可以翻译为be soul-stirring,be profoundly affecting/moving等。 例句: 惊心动魄的场面 Soul-stirring scene 惊心动魄的历险 Exciting adventure...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 38

    22-07-18 At the end of the year there was a great deal to do. Philip went to various places with a clerk named Thompson and spent the day monotonously calling out items of expenditure, which the other checked; and sometimes he was given long pages of figures...

  • 我绝不告诉别人

    22-06-28 My lips are sealed. 我一定会守口如瓶的。 I wont tell a soul. 我不会告诉任何人的。 Ill take it to my grave. 我到死也不会说的。 It wont leave this room. 这话绝对不出这个房间。 Wild horses couldnt drag it out of me. 君子一言驷马难追。 好奇宝宝一定忍不...

  • 跟party有关的短语

    22-05-26 1. the life and soul of a party 派对台柱/派对担当 特别喜欢各种派对、聚会,并且喜欢鼓动身边的人也参与的各种派对爱好者 Example: Did you see Lisa dancing on the table? She really was the life and soul of that party. 你看到丽萨在桌子上跳舞了吗?她可真是...

  • 《寻梦环游记》经典台词

    22-03-11 1. He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings. 一家人都喜欢唱歌跳舞,过的很幸福。 count ones blessings这个短语指的是(人生坎坷时)要知足常乐。 2. He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me. 他最开始在圣塞西莉亚一...

  • 哭穷

    21-11-03 church mouse church mouse字面意思是教堂的老鼠。 其由来是因为古时候教堂没有食物,所以教堂的老鼠也就没有食物可以果腹,形容人没有金钱和食物,十分可怜的样子。所以a church mouse意即一贫如洗,穷困潦倒的人。 例句: Now Im as poor as a church mouse. 现在我...

  • 性格内向有哪些好处?

    21-09-10 有些人性格内向,而有些人则性格外向。相比之下,开朗大方的人似乎更容易被人接受,又常是社交活动中备受瞩目的对象。但外向真的比内向好吗?还是说各有利弊?哪类人更善于倾听? From a young age, many of us learn the benefits of being an extrovert those gregar...

  • the life and soul of the party 灵魂人物

    21-05-13 The life and soul of the party 聚会上的生命和灵魂 指 在社交场合中的活跃分子,能给周围带活力和乐趣的人,也就是汉语里说的 灵魂人物、 核心人物。 例句 Rose is such a fun girl! Shes always the life and soul of the party everyone enjoys her company. 罗丝...

  • eat your heart out 羡慕吧,嫉妒吧

    21-04-23 看到eat your heart out,大家的第一反应难道是吃掉你的心?是不是觉得格格不入呢?一起来学一学这个俚语的真正含义吧。 根据Free Dictionary的解释,eat ones heart out是指羡慕吧,忧伤的心,嫉妒吧~ They just make you eat your heart out. 他们真让你伤心透了。 E...