• 天体碰撞导致恐龙灭绝的理论被确证

    10-03-05 An international panel of experts has strongly endorsed evidence that a space impact was behind the mass extinction event that killed off the dinosaurs. 一个国际专家小组强烈支持一场太空大碰撞导致地球上恐龙灭绝的理论。 The dinosaurs were one of many...

  • 南极洲发现太空陨石爆炸的新线索

    10-03-04 A large space rock may have exploded over Antarctica thousands of years ago, showering a large area with debris, according to new research. 一项新研究显示,数千年前,一大块太空岩石可能在南极洲上空爆炸,碎片散落在一大片区域。 The team's findings coul...

  • 奥巴马演讲 A Long Distance Relationship

    10-02-23 THE PRESIDENT: Hey, guys. COMMANDER ZAMKA: Good morning from the International Space Station and from the Space Shuttle Endeavour, Mr. President. THE PRESIDENT: Well, it's great to talk to you guys. I wanted to, first of all, just say that we've got...

  • 奋进号航天飞机成功返航

    10-02-22 The space shuttle Endeavour has landed at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, following its latest visit to the International Space Station (ISS). 美国奋进号航天飞机在国际空间站进行为期两周的停留之后,已于近日成功降落至佛罗里达州肯尼迪太空中心。 The tw...

  • 奋进号航天飞机将返回地球

    10-02-20 The space shuttle Endeavour has undocked from the International Space Station and is headed back to Earth. 奋进号航天飞机从国际空间站脱离并将按计划返回地球。 The latest mission saw the successful installation of the Tranquility Node, a spacious(宽...

  • 英国科学家惊言:人类都是外星人

    10-02-06 英国一位天体生物学家日前表示,人类都是从外太空移居到地球的外星人,并且声称他的新研究能够有力地证明这一观点。这位学者表示,第一批人类生命种子是38亿年前到达地球的,这些来自外太空的微生物随彗星来到地球,然后不断繁殖进化并最终形成人类生命。他的研究表明...

  • 宇航员太空上网首发微博

    10-01-31 国际空间站的一名美国宇航员上周五从太空发送了首条推特消息,这是国际空间站内首次实现即时上网。以往,宇航员一般都是将此类信息通过电子邮件形式传回休斯顿的太空控制中心。现在,国际空间站上的人员可以使用空间站的笔记本电脑实时上网了。美国国家航空和宇宙航行...

  • 理查德·布兰森的航天飞机计划将启动

    09-12-08 Sir Richard Branson is unveiling the rocket plane he will use to take fare-paying passengers into space. 理查德布兰森爵士将要揭幕一架喷气式客机,他将驾驶此飞机收费将乘客送往太空。 Sir Richard must test the rocket plane before starting his service Sp...

  • 干细胞的空间争夺战

    09-12-06 The body is a battle zone. Cells constantly compete with one another for space and dominance. Though the manner in which some cells win this competition is well known to be the survival of the fittest, how stem cells duke it out打假 for space and su...

  • 美国实验型火箭Ares I-X成功发射

    09-10-29 The US space agency (Nasa) has launched a prototype rocket designed to replace the ageing space shuttle. 美国航空航天局新型试验火箭成功发射,该火箭旨在取代老化的航天飞机。 The Ares I-X blasted off(点火起飞) from Florida on a flight that will test...