• 奋进号圆满结束最后一次飞行

    11-06-01 Space shuttle Endeavour has brought its 19-year operational career to a close with a textbook landing in Florida. 奋进号航天飞机顺利降落到佛罗里达航天中心,结束了19年的服役生涯。 The vehicle swept into a night-time touch-down at the Kennedy Space Ce...

  • 星体可用来追踪太空垃圾

    11-05-29 A team of researchers from the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy (ROA) in Cdiz (Spain) has developed a method to track the movement of geostationary(与地球旋转同步的) objects using the position of the stars, which could help to monitor s...

  • 如何确定天体的年龄

    11-05-25 For many movie stars, their age is a well-kept secret. In space, the same is true of the actual stars. Like our Sun, most stars look almost the same for most of their lives. So how can we tell if a star is one billion or 10 billion years old? Astron...

  • 天文学家发现新型态行星

    11-05-19 University of Notre Dame astronomer David Bennett is co-author of a new paper describing the discovery of a new class of planets dark, isolated Jupiter-mass bodies floating alone in space, far from any host star. Bennett and the team of astronomers...

  • 俄罗斯庆祝太空飞行50周年

    11-04-16 From patriotic songs blaring on the metro to parties on the International Space Station, Russia proudly celebrated on Tuesday 50 years since rocketing Yuri Gagarin into the first human orbit. 俄罗斯本周二高调庆祝人类历史上首位宇航员尤里加加林太空飞...

  • 中国将在2016年前研制并发射空间实验室

    11-03-05 全国政协委员、神舟飞船原总设计师戚发轫近日表示,中国将在2016年前研制并发射空间实验室。空间实验室是中国载人航天工程的第二步,为最终在2020年建成中国空间站提供技术支持。 A Chinese senior space technology expert said Thursday that China is expected to l...

  • 2014冬奥会圣火可能游太空

    11-02-26 2014年冬季奥林匹克运动会将在俄罗斯索契举行。主办方表示,2014年冬奥会圣火火炬在到达主办城市索契之前,有可能会被传递至国际空间站,进行一次短暂的太空旅行。 The Olympic torch rally traditionally spans the world before reaching the host city. The Olympic...

  • 开普勒号飞船与国际空间站成功对接

    11-02-25 Europe's sophisticated space freighter, Johannes Kepler, has docked with the International Space Station (ISS). 欧洲精密的太空飞船开普勒号已与国际空间站成功对接。 The unmanned robotic truck attached itself to the Zvezda module on the rear of the pla...

  • 发现号航天飞机开始最后一次航行

    11-02-25 The US shuttle Discovery has launched from the Kennedy Space Center for the last time. 美国发现号航天飞机最后一次从肯尼迪太空中心点火起飞。 The orbiter roared into a bright blue Florida sky, leaving the pad at 1653 local time (2153 GMT). Its 11-day...

  • 美国极轨环境卫星正进行飞行测试

    11-02-13 The NASA National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP) climate/weather satellite is undergoing flight environmental testing at Ball Aerospace Technologies Corp's production and test facility in...