• SpaceX发射火箭向空间站补充能源

    12-05-22 California's SpaceX has launched on a mission to re-supply the space station - the first cargo delivery to the orbiting outpost by a private company. 加利福尼亚州SpaceX公司发起了向空间站补充能源的任务这是首次由私人公司向在轨空间站补充物资。 The firm...

  • 美公司试图登陆小行星开矿

    12-04-28 Google Inc executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt and filmmaker James Cameron are among those bankrolling a venture to survey and eventually extract precious metals and rare minerals from asteroids that orbit near Earth, the company said on Tuesday....

  • 欧洲成功发射太空运输船

    12-03-23 Europe's ATV space truck has blasted off from the Kourou base in French Guiana. 欧洲太空运输船ATV已从法属圭亚那库鲁基地起飞升空。 The robotic truck is heading to the International Space Station (ISS) with new supplies of food, water, air, and fuel....

  • 宇宙射线改变了月球上冰的化学成分

    12-03-20 Space scientists from the University of New Hampshire and multi-institutional colleagues report they have quantified levels of radiation on the moon's surface from galactic cosmic ray (GCR) bombardment(轰炸,炮击) that over time causes chemical ch...

  • space debris 太空垃圾

    12-01-30 Six astronauts were forced to take refuge aboard the International Space Station's lifeboat crafts on Tuesday, bracing for the threat of a collision with floating space debris , the Russian space agency said. 俄罗斯宇航局称,6名宇航员周二被迫逃离国...

  • 月亮不是地球唯一的卫星

    11-12-24 美国康奈尔大学的研究人员称,月亮不是唯一围绕地球轨道运行的天体。其它更小一些的物体也一直有规律的运行在地球轨道上,有时它们会离开几个月,但仍然会回来继续绕地运行。 Researchers at Cornell University say that what we know as the Moon is in fact not the...

  • 秀丽隐杆线虫研究为太空旅行提供启示

    11-11-30 The astrophysicist(天体物理学家) Stephen Hawking believes that if humanity is to survive we will have to up sticks and colonise space. But is the human body up to the challenge? Scientists at The University of Nottingham believe that Caenorhabditi...

  • 中国成功发射神舟8号

    11-11-01 China has taken the next step in its quest to become a major space power with the launch of the unmanned Shenzhou 8 vehicle. 中国成功发射神舟8号无人飞船,向成为太空强国迈进一步。 It will be a couple of days before Shenzhou 8 is in a position to atte...

  • 中国将发射天宫1号太空实验室

    11-09-29 China is due to launch its first space laboratory, Tiangong-1. 中国将发射首颗太空实验室,天宫1号。 China is taking a stepped approach to the development of its human spaceflight programme The 10.5m-long, cylindrical(圆柱形的) module will be unmann...

  • 太空垃圾数量已达临界值

    11-09-02 Scientists in the US have warned Nasa that the amount of so-called space junk orbiting Earth is at tipping point. 美国科学家向宇航局警告道,地球外围太空垃圾的数量已经达到了一个临界值。 Artist's impression from the European Space Agency of debris in...